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DRV8353: DRV8353RH


    We recently designed a motor driver board using the DRV8353RH driver chip. Referring to the driver application circuit of the development board, we encountered problems during the test. The problem is that when the motor speed is increased or it is operated at a certain speed for a while, The motor stops rotating and the test FAULT pin is also pulled low. The chip is a hardware configuration interface, we can not know the specific cause of the failure. Is there any way to know the cause of the problem? How to solve this problem. Looking forward to your reply

  • Hello,

    Thanks for posting on the MD forum!

    You can check a few nodes to get a better idea of the fault mode.

    Please check all power supply voltages when the failure occurs: VM/VDRAIN/VCP/VGLS. These faults should automatically clear when the undervoltage condition clears.

    Is the fault latching? Does it require a device ENABLE pulse to reset it?

    Do you see the fault pin pulsing or is it staying low?

    The other faults are triggered by overcurrent, what is the setting for your VDS pin?

    Check your differential voltage of all three SP/SN pairs to see if this is exceeding 1V where the SEN_OCP will trigger.

    Is the DRV hot? This could mean thermal warning or shut down.



  • Hello,

    Thank you for your reply!

    When a fault occurs, it cannot be automatically recovered and needs to be reset. I think the fault is latching.  Whether this condition can eliminate the effects of the VM/VDRAIN/VCP/VGLS voltage.

    When a fault occurs, the fault pin changes from high to continuous low.

    We shorted the VDS pin to the DVDD and turned off the VDS overvoltage protection feature.

    We find that when the motor accelerates or decelerates slowly, for example, when the phase current is 1A, it increases by 10%, and it is not prone to failure. When the motor accelerates or decelerates rapidly, for example, the phase current is 1A, it increases by 20%, and the driver chip is prone to failure. SP pin clutter glitch may exceed 1V and may be protected. Is there any plan to deal with this situation?

  • Hello,

    The SP pin does have deglitch but if you are seeing 1V on SP relative to SN then you will need to reduce your sense resistor value or clean up the layout/traces to reduce the parasitic inductance.

