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DSP Access to L4_PER/GPIO

I'm trying to access GPIO modules 6 & 8 from the DSP subsystem on the OMAP54xEVM. I keep receiving a "l3 custom error" from the kernel when reading the base register ( GPIO_REVISION ). The DSP AMMU and MMU are configured properly, so I'm confused if this is a connectivity or permissions (firewall) issue. I also noticed that the DSP seems to have R/W permissions to GPIO modules 3,5,7 because no kernel errors are reported, and a valid (non-zero) revision ID is reported (0x50602001).

I went through most of the L4_PER AP (Address Protection) registers, and it looks like there are no restrictions (default settings). From TRM Figure 14-2 Connectivity Matrix, it says that there is only a functional path between the DSP and L4_PER_P3. What is L4_PER_P3?

Is there any chance the DSP can access GPIO modules 6 or 8? I'm planning to use the I2C, McBSP3, CPI and GPMC interfaces, so there aren't many available GPIO pins that support interrupts (GPIO 2-6).


  • Hi Michael,

    l3 custom errors do not indicate address hole (connectivity issue) or permission (firewall) errors, it simply means that the GPIO module itself sends an error signal (SResp= ERROR)  to L3 NoC.  In these cases the issue is not in the L3 NoC, but in the target itself (in your case GPIO).

    I suggest checking GPIO configuration? As a start can you verify that GPIO 6 & 8  clocks are properly enabled in PRCM?

    michael clark said:
    What is L4_PER_P3?

    L4_PER has four ports (P0/P1/P2/P3) through which it connects to L3 NOC, L4_PER_P3 indicates the 4th of these ports. See Figure 14-9. L4 Interconnect Overview.

    Best Regards,


  • Yordan, thanks for clarifying the "l3 custom error" definition. The clocks were in fact disabled, and GPIO modules 6 & 8 are now working as expected. Thanks for the help!