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Vision SDK Links and Chains Framework


We are using the TDA2X Vision SDK (2.5)

We have created a use case as follows:

NullSrc -> Alg_Plugin(DSP1) ->Display

We are feeding static images using null source link to DSP core for processing and then to display.

We want to send a command from Algorithm Plugin (DSP) to previous link i.e. Null Source (IPU_0).

We tried using the link api  System_sendLinkCmd to pass the command but as the algorithm is executing on DSP there is IPC_Out and IPC_In links in picture. 

We are not able to pass command to previuos link (IPU_0 Core).

Is there any mechanism wherein we can pass data or command to previous links (different core) in existing Vision SDK frame work.



Swapnil Nagare

  • Hi Swapnil Nagare,

    Swapnil Nagare said:
    Is there any mechanism wherein we can pass data or command to previous links

    Have you tried to add this as a new link in your use case,  as described in usecasegen user guide?

    I am sorry that I cannot be more specific, but Vision SDK sources, tools, algorithms & app notes cannot be discussed in a public forum. For detailed support on this please contact your local FAE.

    Best Regards,


  • Swapnil,

    Use the below API with link ID as link ID of NullSrc link, i.e not prevLinkId. You can either hardcode NullSrc link ID in your code or pass the linkId as a argument during your Algorithm plugin create

    Int32 System_linkControl(UInt32 linkId,
                             UInt32 cmd,
                             Void *pPrm,
                             UInt32 prmSize,
                             Bool waitAck);

    Below API is alos ok to use, ultimately both the APIs call the same low level API.

    Int32 System_sendLinkCmd(UInt32 linkId, UInt32 cmd, Void *payload)


  • Hi Kedar,

    I tried this option but i am seeing some warning messages related to message queue.
    Could you please help me understand these ?

    [DSP1 ] 14.731018 s: Send Next Frame
    [DSP1 ] 14.731048 s: MSGQ: Warning!!! : Forcing waitAck = TRUE as waitAck = FALSE is not supported.Fix send cmd [0x4] to linkId [0x2c]

    Swapnil Nagare
  • Hi Kedar,

    I was using the Int32 System_sendLinkCmd(UInt32 linkId, UInt32 cmd, Void *payload) api.
    I tried using the one you told and it worked.

    Thanks for the help.

    Swapnil Nagare