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UCC28056: UCC28056

Part Number: UCC28056

Dear TI-Team,

is there an LT-Spice model of UCC28056 available  and if so could you please send it to my Mail Adress or answer with a link ?

Thank you very much.



  • Rene

    We do not have a SPICE model of UCC28056. There is a SIMPLIS model for UCC28056 though, which is available at the following direct link

    For complicated switch mode power supply controllers like UCC28056 it is becoming increasingly difficult to use SPICE to model them effectively. SIMPLIS is a simulation tool for switched mode power supplies so it overcomes these limitations.

    Best Regards,
  • Hello Eric,

    thank you for your quick reply. I will look into the SIMPLIS Model and try to create my System with it.

    Would you have a suggestion of how to design my inductor if I want to use UCC28056 as a DC/DC - converter (Boost only, without PFC) ?

    My current problem is that I am not entirely sure how the CrM/DCM Control Principle of UCC28056 works. I need to find an ideal frequency, so that I can determine the correct boost inductor needed to boost my minimum Voltage (210 VDC) to my 390 VDC output. The problem that I have is that UCC28056 can change both the frequency and also the ON-Time to regulate my output to 200 W at 390 VDC. I believe that UCC28056 only uses frequency modulation for PFC purpose and  the ON-time will change to regulate output-power and voltage regulation purposes.

    Could you tell me weather I am correct with my assumptions ? Also, would you have a suggestion for my switching frequency of UCC28056 so that I can design and determine the inductor needed for my application ?

    Thank you very much.



  • Rene

    Our product expert for UCC28056 will reply with more details on its operation.

    Best Regards,
  • I believed I have answered this question in Let me know if you have any follow on questions
  • Hi Eric,

    Yes, you are right. I am sorry for not better checking the forum for that question. Thank you very much for your reply in these early days of 2019.
