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All the time 100% Duty Cycle in SEPIC on LM3478

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3478, LM3481

Hello TI, my name is Genik.

I have a question regarding LM3478 PWM controller. After adding supply (3v or above to 8 pin), my controller starts with 100% duty cycle all the time. I tried connect pin 2 (COMP) to GND and duty cycle was near 10% all the time. I tried make boost converter from SEPIC but problem is the same. My data is next:

Vin=8 to 30Vdc



All my calculations in attached PDF file.

One more question. I found mistake in formula 38 of AN-1484, in current sense gain. The example was written the number 91, and if you use the formula 1 / Rsn it will be 52, where is the truth? And may be better use LM3481 chip?  it has duty cycle limit 85%.Genik_SEPIC.pdf