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TPS65100-Q1: TPS65100-Q1 schematic add RC delay

Part Number: TPS65100-Q1


our client modify TPS65100-Q1 EN pin add RC delay and AVDD input 12.06v

Please help  double confirm schematic as attached.

217EA01-1A0_TPS65100QPWPRQ1_EN pin & AVDD voltage modify confirm.pdf

and our client measurement light load efficiency, but we find eff only 58%, how can do improve efficiency? 

If any suggestion, Please advise me.


Best regards,


  • Hi,

    I have notified our expert regarding this issue. Please expect a response by June 25th

  • Hello Lawrence,

    I reviewed your schematic modifications and they look good.

    As for light load efficiency, this is fixed switching frequency boost converter and it does not have PFM type operation at light load i.e. even at light load, the switching frequency stays same as at heavy load so the switching losses are more or less the same. Efficiency curve in the data sheet (figure 7) shows that you are roughly getting correct efficiency for 25mA out of the boost converter output.

    Kind Regards,
