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TPS65910: PMIC TPS 65910 Booting Issue

Part Number: TPS65910


prev discussion forum link :

We are using PMIC TPS65910  for our custom board and we are using starter ware Boot loader code for Booting through UART0. The processor gets reset while executing functions related to PMIC voltage configuration.

While debugging we found out the following issue.

Before modifying the Device control register (0x3f) for enabling the access to smart reflex registers by control I2C.

We are reading that register value. It is giving two different values.

when read register value = 0x60 (reset value), It is working fine.

when read register value = 0x0a, it is going to reset.

According to DEVCTRL_REG register,

register value = 0x0a means DEV_OFF_RST and DEV_SLP bits are set. According to the description when DEV_OFF_RST bit is 1, it will start an sleep to off or active to off and activate reset to the digital core ?

This may be reason for resetting the device.

Why it is giving two different values when reading the DEVCTRL_REG register ? How the register value is changed to 0x0a even though we are not modifying it (reset value = 0x60) ? What can be the reason ?

Thanks and Regards


  • Hi Raja,

    The PMIC should not self-assert these bits, is it possible to monitor the i2c lines to confirm the writes are valid?


    Rick S.

  • Dear Sir,

    Actually i am reading two register values of TPS65910 before modifying the modifying the Device control register (0x3f) for enabling the access to smart reflex registers by control I2C to test I2C working or not ? I didnt mention in the previous post that the starterware bootloader code sometimes it is working and sometimes it is going to reset

    1. GPIO0_REG (0x60), reset value = 0x0a

    2. DEVCTRL_REG(0x3F) , reset value = 0x60

    when reading the registers, the values are as follows

    1. Working case

    GPIO0_REG (0x60), read value = 0x0a and DEVCTRL_REG(0x3F) , read value = 0x60. The values are same as reset values.

    2. Not Working case

    GPIO0_REG (0x60), read value = 0x00 and DEVCTRL_REG(0x3F) , read value = 0x0a.

    Here the DEVCTRL_REG (0x60), read value = 0x0a is the reset value of GPIO_REG (0x60) register . Which means

    1. The PMIC is not responding correctly
    2. There is problem in I2C interface

    What can be the issues ? Where it is going wrong ?

    Thanks and Regards


  • Hi Raja,

    I would suspect the i2c interface, the GPIO pull-up enable in reg 0x60 should not change on it's own.

    Can you probe the I2C lines, or send test writes to a different register and ensure they updated correctly?

    Best Regards,

    Rick S.

  • Sir, we have external RTC via I2c interface connected to the processor . So we did some test cases writing values to RTC register and reading register values it working fine. Including that RTC test cases code in the starterware bootloader code it is working fine ? But when I remove the RTC test cases code from the starterware bootloader code then the problem comes like sometimes working fine and sometimes going into reset

    Thanks and regards


  • Hi Raja,

    Are you referring to the RTC in the TPS65910 or a standalone RTC?

    If this was on the TPS65910, is it possible to use the Smart Reflex i2c address instead of the general purpose address? This would avoid the DEVCTRL_REG and prevent the device from resetting but still wouldn't address the odd register values.

    To address the odd register values we will need to verify the signal integrity of the i2c communication on the PMIC pins.

    Best Regards,

    Rick S.

  • Dear Sir,

    AM335x Starter Kit Diagnostics:

    In the above website they mentioned one limitation: "One running the second time the board resets, this will be fixed for the Beta" ?

    What is the error ? Does it resemble to my case ?

    Thanks and Regards


  • Hi Raja,

    I'm not familiar with the Diagnostic Suite, so I'd have to recommend reaching out to the Sitara forum for more details on that error. They should also be able to help with software related issues if the i2c bus is no longer suspect.

    Best Regards,
    Rick S.