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TPS25910: Enable and current limits (while powered)

Part Number: TPS25910
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS25942A, TPS25944A,


I am loading my output of the chip using a DC Electronic load with 4A at 20V. My enable input to the chip is controlled by a microprocessor. Upon power up I am able to drive the full load through the chip but if I toggle the enable (i.e. apply 3.3V and then pull it back down) then I cannot drive anything greater than 0.5A at 20V.

I am aware of the current limiter issues as discussed here and here but neither of these issues seemed to have addressed my problem. Is there something I am missing?



  • Hi Ari,

    Can you please share your schematic, test waveforms to look into it.
    In which mode you are using DC Electronic load?

  • Hi Rakesh,

    I did some more testing and ran a simulation model in TINA. What I found is that if I load the output after the chip is powered on and enabled then I can drive quite a bit of power out of the chip (20V @ 5A in my case). If I keep that load on and then toggle the enable line then the output dies. It looks like, based on the datasheet, that I am really supposed to be driving only 5 watts out of the chip but then in other places in the datasheet and reference design I see 100 watts (20V @ 5A in the development board).

    With a 20V output I was able to drive as much as 600 mA when toggling the enable line. This is more than 5 watts stated as nominal in the datasheet (7.5 watts max) but much less than the 100 watts when I load the output in steady state.

    Is there something I can do to drive this chip with 100 watts while toggling the enable line?

  • Hi Ari,

    This device architecture is based on constant power engine so there is limit on max. load during startup as mentioned in the datasheet.

    Can you let me know your system requirements (V, I, what kind of protection you need) to suggest the right device. What is the end equipment and output load?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi,

    I am looking for this exact chip except without the current limitation upon enable or startup. Any thoughts on what else I could use?
  • Hi,
    Please look at TPS259271, TPS25942A, TPS25944A devices.

  • Hi. Thank you for the response but we have a 20V requirement. All of those are less than 20V. Also, do they have the same current limitation like the 26910?
  • Hi Ari,

    These devices has different internal architecture and are different in behavior to TPS25910 device

  • Hi Rakesh,

    I have tested out the TPS25942A chip using the TPS25942xEVM-635: Evaluation Module for TPS25942x. Setting the limit and OVP resistors I am able to drive 4.6A @ 20V onto my DC Electronic load. When I disable and re-enable the chip under load (using the reset button in the evaluation module) the output never comes back. If I try this at < 0.6A load (similar to the TPS25910 device) then I am able to get the desired output. In the simulation, however, I am seeing that I should be able to enable/disable under load and come back fine. Is the TINA model correct for this device?

    Additionally, I must remove the 330uF capacitor (C4 for channel 1) if I want to drive the full load on the board. I was able to verify this in simulation as well. Anything above 200uF seemed to collapse the output voltage. Any thoughts on this as well?

    See the attached simulation here:

    1680.TPS25942EVM-635 Evaluation Module for TPS25942x - Reworked.TSC

    Note: The simulation reflects my rework on the evaluation board.

  • Hi Ari,

    The TPS25942xEVM-635: Evaluation Module comes in power muxing configuration i.e., outputs of two channels are connected together and hence C4&C10 comes in parallel. You can isolate the channels by removing R7.

    Both load resistance and output capacitance forms as load for the device during startup. For successful startup, we need to make sure of using appropriate soft-start capacitor at DVDT pin.
    Please use design calculator at and let me know if you have any questions.

    Best Regards,
  • OK. I will investigate and report back. In the meantime could you please provide me with a PDF of the EVM schematic? The schematic in the datasheet does not print well.
  • Hi Ari,

    Please find the attached schematic.


