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TDA2PXEVM: The problem of upgrade vision SDK

Part Number: TDA2PXEVM


We need upgrade TI VisionSDK to 03.05 which will support to start the chains&link from IPU.  Is there any patch for this problem? We have made a lot of modifications in vision SDK 03.04. If we use vision SDK 03.05 directly, we have to manually modify the patch in vision SDK 03.05 which from vision SDK 03.04.

thank you very much

terence Xia from China

  • Hi,

    Links and chains are supported from IPU in Vision SDK 3.04 itself. Are you referring to some particular feature that got added to VSDK 3.05 release?

    If you want to upgrade to VSDK 3.05, the easiest method will be to compare your package with original 3.04 package and apply the same changes on 3.05 package. As 3.05 is an incremental release you should not see many issues.
