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AM5728: How can upload file to FTP server

Part Number: AM5728


        I am using AM5728 EVM board. I have some query regarding to upload file on FTP server.Please check as below:

-How can I upload any image file to an FTP server?

-What should i have to make changes in which file?

-How will performance of uploading file means about speed to upload file.

-Is there any sample demo application is available?


Kishan Patel.

  • Kishan,

    This is a generic Linux question. There is nothing specific about TI's Linux with regards to FTP. We support the BusyBox version of TFTP within our file system. You can try it by running "tftp" on your AM572x EVM booted to Linux. You can learn more by researching "busybox tftp".

    If you need something more advanced, or you need to change the behaviour of TFTP, you'll have to rebuild it and install it yourself.

    You'll of course need a host set up with a FTP server that works correctly and an Ethernet connection between the two.

    I hope this is helpful to you.

  • Hello RonB,
    On AM5728 EVM board, "tftp" is available.
    Can we use it to upload file on the server?

    Kishan Patel.
  • Kishan,

    If the server has a properly configured TFTP server, yes.

    You could also rebuild busybox to include its FTP capbilities.

    If you just need to copy a file over a network, I use the LInux SCP command and it works great. This is supported natively by our SDK and most Linux distros.

    I hope this helps you.
  • Hello RonB,

            Can you describe me how can add FTP capabilities and rebuild busy box?

    And its great if you can provide me steps to test TFTP means tft-client and tftp-server both are available on AM5728 EVM board.Right?.So, how can run server and client to test?


    Kishan Patel.

  • Kishan,

    Customizing BusyBox is beyond the scope of our support. They have a great FAQ that should be helpful:

    I don't believe you can run TFTP Client and Server on the same board at the same time. It should not be hard to set up a server on a Linux PC and run the client on the board. This would be the simplest way to test it.

    I would still encourage you to try SCP command.
  • Hello RonB,
    I have installed curl library and use curl api/coomands to upload file on FTP server and its working fine.

    Kishan Patel.