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TMS320C6657: Non-broadcast Ethernet Packets Not Sent

Part Number: TMS320C6657

I've been working with the C6657 EVM from eInfoChips trying to get the TFTP boot mode working.  It's been quite a journey, but now I am stuck.

The first step was to rebuild the ibl since by default when placed in IBL TFTP Boot mode, the default method is Bootp.  This is configured in


I changed the following lines to enable TFTP boot mode.

    ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.doBootp          = FALSE;
    ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.useBootpServerIp = FALSE;
    ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.useBootpFileName = FALSE;

Yes, I realize I am using an older ibl, but I could not get the newer one, in pdk_c665x_2_0_14 to run at all.  Like it is incompatible with the ROM code that calls the ibl.

Anyway, after much work I was finally able to see the arp requests from the EVM to my host device.  Mostly I seemed to have cache issues.  However, while debugging those I was able to see the raw packet in memory before being sent to the EMAC.  Specifically this code in cpmac_drv_send()

    /* Fill out the transmit buffer descriptor */
    pDesc->pNext     = 0;
    pDesc->pBuffer   = (Uint8 *)deviceLocalAddrToGlobal((Uint32)buffer);
    pDesc->BufOffLen = num_bytes;

    /* Send the packet out. */
    ptr_EMACRegs->TX0HDP = (Uint32)pDesc;

The raw ethernet data is contained in "buffer" which contains the mac addresses and ip address, etc.  The write of the pDesc to TX0HDP causes the emac to send the data.

The TFTP Boot Request is sent first.  But the evm does not yet have the mac address so it must do an ARP Request.  This code is in arp_resolve(). 

The destination MAC Address for an ARP Request is FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, a broadcast message.  When I look at the raw packet buffer, I see just that, FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF followed by the MAC address of the EVM.  I then see the packet on Wireshark to my host and I see the host response an ARP Reply.  I see the host MAC Address and I have traced the code and indeed arp_receive() is called.

It should be noted that when arp_resolve() detects that the mac address is not in the arp cache, it not only does a ARP Request, but it also caches the original packet, which in this case was the TFTP Boot Request.  When arp_receive() gets the ARP Reply, it saves the Hosts MAC Address and checks for a cached packet, which it has, then builds the new Eth Header with the correct Host MAC Address and sends the packet just as it did with the ARP Request.  Same exact code is called with the same exact descriptor setup.

I can look at the raw packet and see the correct host mac address.  I can see the flag EMAC_DSC_FLAG_OWNER get reset, so the EMAC thinks it sent the packet.  However, I never see the packet in wireshark.  So, as a test, at the point the buffer is built and ready to send to the EMAC via the write to TX0HDP, I modified the Host Mac Address to be FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF and sure enough, I see the packet in wireshark, with the Host MAC of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF and the TFTP Boot Request packet. 

My wireshark on the host will capture other traffic with other MAC Addresses, so I don't feel like this is a host side issue or a wireshark issue, but I am open to troubleshooting that if required.

I feel like for some reason the EMAC is just not sending the packet out when the mac address is not FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. I realize that makes no sense, but I seem to be stuck here so any help troubleshooting this further would be appreciated.



  • Any ideas on how I can make progress on this issue?

  • Sorry for the delay here Christopher. We will need little more time to look at this issue in a little more detail since I am tied up with some other tasks. I have also looped in out networking expert to comment on your setup. 

    Could you indicate why you need to update the ethBoot setting in IBL source to get TFTP to work. My understanding from the MCSDK/Processor SDK RTOS test log is that you should be able to follow the steps in here to generate the IBL config to boot using TFTP:

    Can you confirm that you tried these steps.



  • Let me walk through the steps in the document you cited and comment on each.

    First issue I have is the title of the section: TFTP Boot.  Based on my examination of the source code for this in the function c6657_ibl_config() located in the file "C:\ti_new\mcsdk_2_01_01_04\tools\boot_loader\ibl\src\util\iblConfig\src\device.c"

    ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.doBootp          = TRUE;

    The default method is Bootp not TFTP.  This was confirmed by my sniffing of the interface with Wireshark, both with a completely stock EVM and after I had rebuilt the EEPROM code but had not yet changed any parameters.  The reason I initially did not think to change any parameters was all the associated documentation, including the description of the EVM DIP Switch settings, would lead you to believe TFTP should be the mode used.  That was not true.

    The linked document also goes on to say "EMAC boot is a multi-stage process which is designed to boot an application from TFTP server after reset."  That is also not true, by default as loaded on a stock EVM, the EMAC boot mode is Bootp.

    Moving on to Updating the IBL Ethernet Configurations.  Specifically the section Using CCS.  It is mentioned to run the GEL script for the device.  In my case the gel would be setConfig_c6657_main().  At the time I did that, I was not looking at the GEL itself, I was just running it as directed and it had no effect, the boot mode was still Bootp.  Now that I know more, examining the GEL file itself, you will see that for the C6657 Bootp is the mode selected.

    ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.doBootp          = TRUE;

    So, now it makes total sense why using the GEL as directed made no difference.  Of course, now in hindsight, the comment following the directions about modifying the GEL in a text editor has new meaning, but at the time, I just moved on to recompiling the IBL itself.

    The section labeled Using iblConfig Utility Program is somewhat confusing to me even after working through the entire process.  It ultimately seemed to me that iblConfig was part of the overall make of the ibl itself.  So, I ended up making the entire ibl rather than making just the iblConfig.out.  Once I was able to get the ibl to build, I modified the source code for c6657_ibl_config() located in the file "C:\ti_new\mcsdk_2_01_01_04\tools\boot_loader\ibl\src\util\iblConfig\src\device.c"

    ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.doBootp          = FALSE;

    I wrote the newly compiled file i2crom_0x51_c6657_le.bin to the EEPROM using the eepromwriter utility.  Now when I booted the device I no longer saw Bootp messages, but I saw ARP Requests and Replies.  But, I saw no TFTP Requests.  This is when I really started digging into the code and was able to see the raw packet data being sent to the EMAC, saw the correct MAC Address which was not coming out on the wire, and saw that if I manually changed the MAC address in the buffer to FF's then the TFTP request was sent as described in my original message. 

  • For others reading this post, it is worth mentioning that if you look at the device.c file, which defines the parameters for the various boot modes, for all defined soc's, the default is Bootp, not TFTP.

        /* Ethernet configuration for Boot mode 0 */
        ibl.bootModes[0].bootMode = ibl_BOOT_MODE_TFTP;
        ibl.bootModes[0].priority = ibl_HIGHEST_PRIORITY;
        ibl.bootModes[0].port     = 0;

        /* Bootp is disabled. The server and file name are provided here */
        ibl.bootModes[0].u.ethBoot.doBootp          = TRUE;
        ibl.bootModes[0].u.ethBoot.useBootpServerIp = TRUE;
        ibl.bootModes[0].u.ethBoot.useBootpFileName = TRUE;
        ibl.bootModes[0].u.ethBoot.bootFormat       = ibl_BOOT_FORMAT_BBLOB;

    Even though it says  ibl_BOOT_MODE_TFTP, having doBootp = TRUE forces the code to use Bootp instead of TFTP.  The comment in code even says "Bootp is disabled." but that is not true.

    If you follow the code and see what the effect of bootp = TRUE is …

    In ethboot.c

        if (ibl.bootModes[eIdx].u.ethBoot.doBootp == TRUE)
            nDevice.ip_address = 0;
            nDevice.ip_address = htonl(nl);

    So, ip_address is set to 0.  nDevice is then passed to net_open via this call:

        /* Open the network device */
        if ((* ((void *)&nDevice, ibl_rec_params) != 0)

    In the file net.c the function net_open() you have the code:

        /* Determine if we need to execute BOOTP or not? */
        if (netmcb.net_device.ip_address != 0)
            /* IP Address was supplied by the device team. There is no need
             * to execute the BOOTP protocol; manually create the network route also. */
            ip_add_route (FLG_RT_NETWORK, netmcb.net_device.ip_address, netmcb.net_device.net_mask, 0);

            /* Optional call back with boot server info */
            if (asyncComplete != NULL)
                (*asyncComplete)((void *)&netmcb.net_device);

            /* Lets download the file from the TFTP Server. */
            tftp_get_file (netmcb.net_device.server_ip, netmcb.net_device.file_name);
            /* No IP Address was supplied we need to execute the BOOTP protocol. */
            bootp_init (asyncComplete);

    So, as you can see, if the ip_address is 0, as it would be by default, the function bootp_init() is called not tftp_get_file.

  • Hi,

    "This is when I really started digging into the code and was able to see the raw packet data being sent to the EMAC, saw the correct MAC Address which was not coming out on the wire, and saw that if I manually changed the MAC address in the buffer to FF's then the TFTP request was sent as described in my original message."

    This doesn't make sense to me.  
        /* Fill out the transmit buffer descriptor */

        pDesc->pNext     = 0;
        pDesc->pBuffer   = (Uint8 *)deviceLocalAddrToGlobal((Uint32)buffer);
        pDesc->BufOffLen = num_bytes;
        pDesc->PktFlgLen = EMAC_DSC_FLAG_SOP | EMAC_DSC_FLAG_EOP | num_bytes | EMAC_DSC_FLAG_OWNER;

        /* Send the packet out. */
        ptr_EMACRegs->TX0HDP = (Uint32)pDesc;

    The EMAC has no knowledge what inside the buffer, whether it is a broadcast packet with destination MAC of all FF, or a unicast packet to your PC's MAC. Between those two packets, what is the difference between the pDesc? Are they the same buffer location or same alignment? What is the BufOffLen? At the first time, it is supposed to send out a broadcast packet, if you replace the destination MAC with your PC's MAC, will you see it on wireshark? In the second time, it is supposed to send out a unicast packet (which you can't see on the wire), if you replace it with MAC with FF, will you see it?

    Regards, Eric  

  • Just to dot the i's and cross the t's, I got a new C6657EVM which has not been reprogrammed or modified in any way.  I configured the DIP switches for TFTP boot:

    SW3 (1-8) off, off, on, off, on, on, off, on

    SW5 (1-8) on, on, on, off, on, on, on, on

    As expected on wireshark I saw broadcast bootp requests.

    I then followed the directions in the linked document under Updating the IBL Ethernet Configurations - Using CCS

    I used the files from pdk_c665x_2_0_14

    I modified the gel as shown below for the C6657.

     ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.doBootp          = FALSE;
     ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.useBootpServerIp = FALSE;
     ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.useBootpFileName = FALSE;
     ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.bootFormat       = ibl_BOOT_FORMAT_BBLOB;

    I loaded the program i2cparam_0x51_c6657_le_0x500.out.  Ran the program, ran the gel setConfig_c6657_main, then hit enter.

    I power cycled the EVM and I saw no packets of any kind from the EVM.  No bootp, no Arp, no TFTP.  Nothing.

    Thinking that pdk_c665x_2_0_14 might not be compatible with these older EVM's, I then repeated the procedure above using files from mcsdk_2_01_01_04.  Still no packets. 

    I thought that maybe my initial attempt to modify the parameters using pdk_c665x_2_0_14 corrupted something, I then reloaded the entire I2C EEPROM from mcsdk_2_01_01_04, loading i2crom_0x51_c6657_le.bin into memory at 0x0c000000 and running the program eepromwriter_evm6657l.out.  I power cycled the EVM and once again I saw bootp messages.  I then repeated the "Using CCS" procedure using files from mcsdk_2_01_01_04 but the result was the same, no packets. 

    The only success I've had is a complete rebuild of the IBL, modifying the device.c file, reprogramming the EEPROM using my rebuilt i2crom_0x51_c6657_le.bin.  Then I see ARP packets as expected, but no TFTP request.


  • Hello again Eric,

    I completely agree, "This doesn't make sense to me."  LOL

    I repeated my tests using my rebuilt ibl that does send ARP requests and at least attempts to send TFTP Requests.  One issue I had getting it to even send the ARP requests was memory caching.  It is worth noting that the file cpmacdrv.c which contains the code referenced by you above has the following:

        /* Clean the cache for external addesses */
        Cache_wbL2((void *)buffer, num_bytes);

    However, I was not able to figure out how to get the ibl to compile with EMAC_CACHE_SUPPORT defined.  Cache libraries or objects are not part of the ibl.  So, I did the next best thing, I moved the buffer to non-cached memory.

    So, when the arp request is sent, which is sent successfully, I see this for pDesc:


    I believe that is exactly as expected.  The buffer is located at 0x0c000666.  Dumping that address you get the following:

    FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 18 30 0A 0E 35 08 06 00 01
    08 00 06 04 00 01 00 18 30 0A 0E 35 C0 A8 01 03
    00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 A8 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    The first 6 bytes (FF FF FF FF FF FF) are the destination MAC address indicating broadcast packet.  The next 6 bytes (00 18 30 0A 0E 35) is the source MAC Address, which is the EVM as expected.  The next two bytes (08 06) is the packet type of ARP. 

    Wireshark correctly captures this packets as soon as I step the line of code that moves the pDesc pointer to the TX0HDP, 

    STW.D2T1 A6, *B6[0]

    where A6 = 0x02C0A010 and B6 = 0x02C08600.

    Since the host replies with an ARP reply, the next time this code runs, it is trying to send the TFTP Request packet.

    Again, pDesc is exactly the same, same buffer, same flags, same length.


    The buffer is this

    90 E2 BA 6E 5E 1D 00 18 30 0A 0E 35 08 00 45 00
    00 31 01 00 00 00 40 11 F6 66 C0 A8 01 03 C0 A8
    01 02 04 D2 00 45 00 1D D9 1F 00 01 63 36 36 35
    37 2D 6C 65 2E 62 69 6E 00 6F 63 74 65 74 00 00

    Now you can see the destination mac address is 90 E2 BA 6E 5E 1D.  This matches the mac address of the host machine.  The source mac address is the same as the EVM, the packet type has changed to 0800 which is IPv4.  However, when I step code as before, I see nothing on wireshark. 

    If I then break the code again, modify the destination mac address to all FF's.

    Here is the packet as modified in memory at 0x0c000666:

    FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 18 30 0A 0E 35 08 00 45 00
    00 31 02 00 00 00 40 11 F5 66 C0 A8 01 03 C0 A8
    01 02 04 D2 00 45 00 1D D9 1F 00 01 63 36 36 35
    37 2D 6C 65 2E 62 69 6E 00 6F 63 74 65 74 00 00

     Wireshark does decode the TFTP Read request, it does show a Destination mac address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF.  The packet looks correct otherwise, no decoding errors.

    You also asked what happens when I take the ARP request and modify the destination mac address to be the host mac address instead of all FF's.

    90 E2 BA 6E 5E 1D 00 18 30 0A 0E 35 08 06 00 01  <- Arp
    08 00 06 04 00 01 00 18 30 0A 0E 35 C0 A8 01 03
    00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 A8 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    Interestingly enough that worked.  So, that was a good test, unexpected by myself.  Thanks.  This means it is not just a mac address issue.

    So, I have to admit I am more confused than ever now.  I did another test where I changed the FF's of the Arp Request to 11:22:33:44:55:66 and that also worked.  However, changing the TFTP request to 11:22:33:44:55:66 did not work. 

    So, it seems like the combination of the IPv4 packet and a destination mac address other than FF's does not get transmitted. 

    Here is the wireshark decode of the TFTP Request when I change the destination mac address to FF's.

    Frame 183: 64 bytes on wire (512 bits), 64 bytes captured (512 bits) on interface 0
    Ethernet II, Src: TexasIns_0a:0e:35 (00:18:30:0a:0e:35), Dst: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
        Destination: Broadcast (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff)
        Source: TexasIns_0a:0e:35 (00:18:30:0a:0e:35)
        Type: IPv4 (0x0800)
    Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
        0100 .... = Version: 4
        .... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)
        Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP: CS0, ECN: Not-ECT)
        Total Length: 49
        Identification: 0x0100 (256)
        Flags: 0x0000
        ...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment offset: 0
        Time to live: 64
        Protocol: UDP (17)
        Header checksum: 0xf666 [validation disabled]
        [Header checksum status: Unverified]
    User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 1234, Dst Port: 69
        Source Port: 1234
        Destination Port: 69
        Length: 29
        Checksum: 0xd91f [unverified]
        [Checksum Status: Unverified]
        [Stream index: 21]
    Trivial File Transfer Protocol
        Opcode: Read Request (1)
        Source File: c6657-le.bin
        Type: octet
    VSS-Monitoring ethernet trailer, Source Port: 0
        Src Port: 0

  • I should mention, the length is the same because there is a minimum length set in the code of 64.  So that makes sense.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the testing, it was interesting results! It looks that for combination of the IPv4 packet and a destination mac address other than FF's does not get transmitted. This would means that EMAC can't send out regular IPV4 unicast packets. I don't know how this can be.

    I used another EMAC example (the EMAC_evmc6657_C66Loopback_testProject in Non-loopback mode, connected to network) to test the idea:

    • I put the data buffer hard-coded at 0x0C00_0666
    • I created a data dump exactly match your data buffer and loaded into this address

    90 E2 BA 6E 5E 1D 00 18 30 0A 0E 35 08 00 45 00
    00 31 01 00 00 00 40 11 F6 66 C0 A8 01 03 C0 A8
    01 02 04 D2 00 45 00 1D D9 1F 00 01 63 36 36 35
    37 2D 6C 65 2E 62 69 6E 00 6F 63 74 65 74 00 00

    • I was able to capture such packet on wire:

    In your failure case, are you able to check if the EMAC statistics for Tx packet increase? 8.15 Good Transmit Frames Register (TXGOODFRAMES) offset 0x34?

    And if you saw any error in MACSTATUS (0x02c08164)?

    Regards, Eric

  • Hi,

    My second screenshot was wrong, please see this:

    Sorry for the confusion!

    Regards, Eric

  • I stepped through the code as before, monitoring the status registers you mentioned.  For each iteration, the sequence is this,

    Send Broadcast ARP

    Send Unicast Tftp Request (attempt 1)

    Send Unicast Tftp Request (attempt 2)

    Send Unicast Tftp Request (attempt 3)

    Send Unicast Tftp Request (attempt 4)

    Send Unicast Tftp Request (attempt 5)

    After each Send I see TXGOODFRAMES increment by 1 until the value 6 is reached, then the process starts over with a EMAC Reset I believe and the count restarts at 0.

    Looking at MACSTATUS, 0x02c08164, I initially saw 0x80000018, which is IDLE, and EXTGIG and EXTFULLDUPLEX.  No errors.

    So, that gave me an idea, maybe it is related to running the interface at 1G, so I dropped back to 100M, MACSTATUS changed to 0x80000000, but the problem remained and the other registers behaved the same.

  • Hi,

    As the TXGOODFRAMES has increment and no error was found, the EMAC is assumed to send out the packets at the switch level. The EMAC has no knowledge what data is inside the buffer and will not treat different packet types differently.

    Do you know the Wireshark or PC environment have no issue to capture those packets? Do you have a direct connection or there is switch or router in between and possibly dropped the packet? 

    Regards, Eric


  • Hi,

    Also, if you don't change the IBL code, so it is bootp case. It worked or not? If it did, you would see a few bootp packets came out of the EVM, then did you see any unicast packet after that?

    Regards, Eric

  • I agree this should just work.  I'm not ruling out the possibility of it being somewhere outside the EVM, I was hoping someone at TI might have more experience with BootROM/IBL TFTP and EVMs and could comment.

    I've tried it both ways, connected to a switch and direct from EVM to PC.  Behavior is the same, ARP works but TFTP Request is not seen.  I initially thought the C6657 had a Ethernet Switch built into it.  I guess other Keystone devices do, but this one does not.  It appears the EMAC is connected directly to the PHY.  I just don't understand how the PC could filter out these packets when wireshark can normally see packets not addressed to the PC itself, but on the wire.  I'll keep poking at it, maybe I'll stumble across something.

    For the second post above, we have had the system working successfully using the ROM Ethernet Boot mode.  This is not the IBL mode, just the straight up ROM mode.  That uses Bootp.  Bootp are broadcast.  After the server sees the Bootp it send a stream of UDP packets to the DSP which does not reply, UDP is unacknowledged.  We use this to load a bootloader to internal SRAM, which configures DDR RAM and then I re-used the ROM code as my second level bootloader, so it does the Bootp again, UDP's the actual program to DDR.  Once that is complete, the NDK takes over and we have full two Ethernet comms between the DSP and host.  However, in this case the host is a Linux board.  Once the DSP is booted, we have the DSP send a TFTP request to the host to download an FPGA image.  That also works.  That should be unicast. I'll make sure I can see all that in wireshark from the PC using the switch to monitor the EVM/Host connection.

  • So wow, I've learned a lot today.  Now I can take a few days vacation and forget it all.  Ha ha.

    Anyway, I learned that Bootp as used by the IBL TFTP boot is different from the Bootp used as part of the ROM Ethernet Boot.

    We have the ROM Ethernet boot working and in that case, the DSP sends the server a bootp request.  The server responds with the contents of the .btbl file.  It does not reply with a BOOTP Reply message.

    IBL TFTP Boot has two modes possible.  First most is the default mode.  This is the mode used when the variable dobootp = TRUE.  I now realize this is not the same as ROM Bootp.  This a more traditional method of Bootp/TFTP.  First the DSP sends a broadcast Bootp Request with no IP, No Filename but a correct source MAC Address.  The server is supposed to reply with the Bootp Reply message.  This message gives the DSP, the host IP, the client IP and the filename to TFTP.  Then, the DSP will start a TFTP session using that info. 

    The second mode is when dpbootp = FALSE.  In this mode, you need to hardcode the IBL with the IP address and filename.  In this mode, it just skips over the Bootp  Request/Reply stage and goes directly to the TFTP stage.

    When I ran it in the default mode and saw the Bootp Request, I just assumed that it was running in the same manner as the ROM Ethernet Boot, but obviously I was wrong.

    So, now that I understand how it is supposed to work, I had our server engineer code up a real Bootp Reply and sure enough a TFTP Request was sent to the server.  The server then attempted to send the file requested.  Now, here is the crazy part.  I was able to see every message in Wireshark with the single exception of the TFTP Request message.  Wireshark is not filtering it since I don't see a skipped packet number.  It just doesn't show up.  Like the network card in the PC is filtering it out, even though the request is now going to our Linux server board.  It is entirely possible that my earlier experiment was the same, the message was sent, but somehow, somewhere filtered out.  I don't get it.

    Now, the file load didn't work, but I am certain I don't yet have the correct file type to download, BLOB, ELF, COFF, etc.  I'll work on that next week.

  • Hi,

    As you mentioned the C6657 EMAC is not a switch, it doesn't have ALE (Address lookup engineer). Other Keystone devices (like C6678 or K2H or K2E) may have a 3/5//9-port switch and direct a packet to another port.

    And thanks very much for dig into the EMAC boot so deep between ROM and IBL ways and hope you have good results next week. 

    Regards, Eric

  • Hi,

    Are you still working on this? Any news?

    Regards, Eric 

  • Thank you for the follow up Eric.

    I was able to finally get the IBL TFTP Boot to work completely.  I was not able to ever see the TFTP Boot Request message in Wireshark and I have no idea why, but I guess it is really a moot point as the Linux server we are using to service the TFTP boot does see it and it does work.  I changed the IBL code to use an ELF file and I strip'ed the .out file to prepare it for download. 

    The disappointing part is this method is slower than the ROM Ethernet Boot method we had been using previously.  Most of the delay seems to be the DSP getting to the point it sends the Bootp message, ~12-16 seconds.  ROM Ethernet Boot seems to be about 1/2 that.  Of course the transfer is also slower, 2x, but it is more reliable since it is ack'ed, so there is a tradeoff there.  I suspect when we finally build our custom board we will look into a custom IBL that is hopefully much faster.

    I've included some notes I made on this below to hopefully help any future readers.

    IBL Usage/Compile Notes

    To enable UART:
        For the file iblInit.c
        Add include uart.h to header.
        Comment out defines around configureGPIO();
        Call uart_init() after configureGPIO.
        Example uart usage:  uart_write_string("Calling iblInitI2c", 0);

    Disable L1D Cache:
        In iblmain.c, function main() by writing 0 to 0x1840040.

        LD          = cl6x -z --zero_init=off
        ALLFARLIB       = $(TOOLSC6XDOS)/lib/rts64plus_elf.lib
        CFLAGS+= --abi=eabi --strip_coff_underscore --symdebug:none
        DCFLAGS = -ss
        AFLAGS+= --abi=eabi --strip_coff_underscore --symdebug:none

        PKTRAM    :  origin = 0x0c000000, length = 0x1000

        add the line ../hw/c64x/make/c66x_uart.ENDIAN_TAG.oc

        # Specify the base directory of the c6000 compiler with UNIX style path separator
        export C6X_BASE_DIR='"C:\ti\ccsv8\tools\compiler\ti_cgt_c6000_7.3.0"'
        # Specify the base directory of the c6000 compiler in format understandable by the MSYS Bash shell
        export C6X_BASE_DIR_MSYS=/c/ti/ccsv8/tools/compiler/ti\_cgt\_c6000\_7\.3\.0

    util\iblConfig\src\device.c:  For the c665x device,
        ibl.bootModes[2].u.ethBoot.bootFormat       = ibl_BOOT_FORMAT_ELF;

    To compile you first need to install the MinGW environment.  This is like a pseudo linux shell for windows.  Once installed you open a command window using

    Then use the following commands to setup the environment as needed.
        $ cd C:\ti\mcsdk_2_01_01_04\tools\boot_loader\ibl\src\make\

    To build:
        $ make evm_c6657_i2c ENDIAN=little I2C_BUS_ADDR=0x51

    To clean:
        $ make clean

    The resulting output file which can then be flashed to the I2C EEPROM is here:

    Flashing Procedure:
        • Set dip switches to No Boot mode:  SW3 off on on on on on on on SW5 on on on on on on on on
        • Connect the debugger
        • Load the file above to memory at location 0x0c000000
        • Load/execute the program eepromwriter_evm6657l.out using the input file eepromwritre_input.txt.

    Using IBL ETH Boot
        The file to be sent is the protocol image filename.out converted to a striped .bin file as follows:
        c:\ti\ccsv8\tools\compiler\ti-cgt-c6000_8.2.5\bin\strip6x.exe -p -o filename.bin filename.out

    Set the DIP switches to IBL ETH Boot mode:  SW3 (1-8) off, off, on, off, on, on, off, on SW5 (1-8) on, on, on, off, on, on, on, on

    Power Cycle EVM

    The IBL code then gets loaded from the EEPROM, this takes about 12 seconds.

    The IBL code will then send a Bootp Request with no IP addresses or filename.  This is responded to by the server with a Bootp Reply with Host IP, Client IP and the filename for TFTP to Request.  The DSP will then send a TFTP Request to the server address specified using the IP address specified.