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AM4378: CAN protocol

Part Number: AM4378

Dear Sir,

We have built our custom board and ported SDK 4.02 version software.  I have a requirement to implement CAN protocol with multiple messages that has to be exchanged in QT. 

IS there any sample program that I can refer? How to check the frame id of different messages and take the data? Is the CAN Socket Program addresses this?  Will we get the deterministic performance in this?

Kindly provide me the needed help to complete this task.

Where to refer AM 4378 SDK manual?

Thanking you 

Warm Regards,


  • Hi,

    Here is the link to the DCAN chapter in the TI Processors SDK Linux Software Developer guide.

    Deterministic operation is a very broad question that means different things depending on the application. In this case one big contributor is the latency incurred that the other CAN devices respond to messages. Another is to use the RT version of the Linux kernel.

    There are several sources for example programs, here is the link to the source code of can-utils that is in the TI SDK. These are the utilities described in the link above in the SDK documentation.

    Best Regards,


  • Dear Sir,

    Thanks for your reply. But still I couldnt do the multiple message scheduling of CAN protocol . The github utilities explains about the module needed for the command line interface of the CAN protocol.

    But where is the  sample program for scheduling multiple messages periodically as well as evendriven based?

    I read in SDK to  use the fullest CAN feature , We need to have all the below utilities. I have made the hardware up and basic command line interfaces are working in CAN.

    But to make my actual application with various types of messages , I am looking for your support.  Pl send any sample program

    Warm Regards,



    Four additional drivers are required to utilize all the CAN features:

    • Raw CAN Protocol (raw access with CAN-ID filtering)
    • Broadcast Manager CAN Protocol (with content filtering)
    • CAN Gateway/Router (with netlink configuration)
    • CAN bit-timing calculation

  • Hi, 

    To my knowledge TI does not have any additional sample code on scheduling multiple messaging and event driven messaging to send to you. At the moment all I can recommend is looking at this file networking/can.txt in the kernel documentation directory of the kernel source tree in the SDK. There is a section discussing receive event filters provided the socketcan support of the kernel.

    The drivers that you are asking about from the TI documentation are part of the default kernel configuration and kernel code that TI provides with the SDK. If you are starting with the default kernel configuration, I would recommend checking the kernel config that you have against the TI documentation to make sure the options are set correctly.

    Best Regards,
