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CCS/TDA2PXEVM: CCS: ARM A15 cache miss & profiling

Part Number: TDA2PXEVM

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I want to do cache analysis & profiling of code running on cortex A-15mpu of TDA2PX board. I have already gone through this pdf:-  which clearly states (1.2 Software and Hardware Requirements) that with XDS560v2 Pro, the Trace Analyzer present can be used for: multicore DSP, AM335x, OMAP3, OMAP4, OMAP5, Cortex-M3, and Cortex-M4 devices. So:

1) is there anything which can be done to do Trace Analyzer for A15 with the same JTAG & CCS.

2) if not then is any other software which can be used to do this analysis on the board during runtime.




  • Surbhi,

    The cache analysis is dependent on the device's hardware and therefore can't be easily "added" to a device or core. That is unfortunately the case with the A15 cores of these devices - they lack the features present in the TI's DSPs for Cache Analysis. 

    In this case, unfortunately we don't offer any cache analysis for the cortex A cores in our current software development products. Sorry. 



  • Hi, Rafael

    Can you please tell me about this:

     2) if not, then is any other software (e.g kcachegrind ) which can be used to do this analysis on the board during runtime?




  • Hi,

    surbhi kumari1 said:
     2) if not, then is any other software (e.g kcachegrind ) which can be used to do this analysis on the board during runtime?

    Rafael has said: 
    In this case, unfortunately we don't offer any cache analysis for the cortex A cores in our current software development products. Sorry. 

    Refer to: 

    A15 has some registers to monitor cache performance.