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CCS/TMS320C5545: C5545 uart_test to run without MSP430

Part Number: TMS320C5545

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I am working on the uart_test program from the diagnostic folder for the c5545 booster pack and I would like the program to function without having to connect the DSP to the MSP430. I am trying to use UART to have the DSP manipulate data and send it back using the serial connectors. It is important for me to not have the MSP connected while running the program.

Here is the main.c file that I have been using:

int main(void)
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartSetup testArgs;

testArgs.clkInput = 6000000;
testArgs.baud = 9600;
testArgs.wordLength = CSL_UART_WORD8;
testArgs.stopBits = 0;
testArgs.parity = CSL_UART_DISABLE_PARITY;
testArgs.fifoControl = CSL_UART_FIFO_DMA1_ENABLE_TRIG14;
testArgs.loopBackEnable = CSL_UART_NO_LOOPBACK;
testArgs.afeEnable = CSL_UART_NO_AFE;
testArgs.rtsEnable = CSL_UART_NO_RTS;

/* Initialize the platform */
status = initPlatform();
if(status != Platform_EOK)
C55x_msgWrite("Platform_init failed\n\r");
return (-1);

status = uartTest(&testArgs);
if(status != CSL_SOK)
return (-1);

return (0);

Do you see if there is anything in the code above that states the MSP has to be connected for the program to run?

Since the led_test program in the c5545 diagnostic folder functions without having the MSP connected, we think that the functionality should be there to do the same for uart_test.


Tirth Bhuta


  • Tirth,

    Yes, you can route the UART traffic via the MSP430 launchpad headers without actually connecting a MSP430.
    Please see section 2.11 of the HW UG which details the UART jumper settings on the BoosterPack.

  • Hi Lali,

    Thanks for the response! I'm also working with Tirth on this project. Was this the configuration you were referring to?: 

    To clarify, we want the information to still be sent to the serial pins on the DSP (that would normally connect to the MSP), and not the debug USB cable, which is how we saw the information travel in the above configuration. 

    We think that there is something in the code that checks if the MSP is connected before initializing the DSP program, and essentially want to comment that part out/find a work around.

    Thanks once again,


  • Eric,

    Yes, to the serial pins.
    I noticed that you have another thread open on a similar question. Please close this thread if you are satisfied. Thanks.
