Today on my way to work I came across a rather interesting phenomenon, I saw the first light truck that is actually a hybrid electric vehicle and that is low emission.  It was a truck by a well-known forwarding company that brings you and me parcels for Christmas, deliveries, business mail, etc. 

I was quite intrigued to see that the concept of hybrid electric vehicles had made it into this class of cars for the simple reason that it shows that the economic equation has gone beyond the reward of showing other people how green you are, but there is a very tangible, monetary benefit as you operate these vehicles.

I guess the particular advantage of a hybrid electric, low emission delivery truck is the fact that these trucks are operated in a lot of stop and go situations which is an area where the hybrid electric power trend really shines. Obviously again, we are seeing a huge impact of electronic and semiconductor innovation making this possible because the stop and go electronics that restart the engine when there is not enough charge to run the motor when you need more power can be applied is all electronic, it all needs semiconductors, it needs parts like C2000 that is automotive approved and others.

Chris Link
Energy Business Development Manager
