WebEx Description:
The Home Area Network or HAN refers to the ecosystem of devices within the home that are connected to the smart grid through a smart meter, through a home energy gateway, or in some cases directly. Some examples of these devices are in-home displays for power consumption monitoring, smart appliances that respond to time of use pricing signals, smart thermostats that cycle the air conditioning in response to peak load reduction signaling from the utilities, or smart plugs that can monitor power consumption and control appliances.

This session will provide an overview of the HAN and introduce TI solutions for three HAN applications: smart plugs, home gateways, and In-Home-Displays.
We will be randomly giving away five Energy Watchdog tools after the presentation. TI’s Energy Watchdog is a tool that enables system designers to quickly develop their own smart plug or sub-meter designs.  It is a fully functional smart plug that is accompanied by hardware, software, and reference schematics.  More details regarding this tool are available at http://www.ti.com/tool/msp-nrgwtchdg   WebEx Login Information (PLEASE REMEMBER TO CLICK THE WEBEX LINK NOW AND ADD TO YOUR CALENDAR):

Arrow and TI HAN Webinar
Date: Monday, February 13, 2012
Time: 11:00-12:00 am, Central Standard Time
Audio information:
Dial-in number:  1.972.995.7777   (audio)
US Toll Free number:  1.877.561.6828  (audio)
Participant passcode:  20130893 
Webex information:
Click to join: https://ti.webex.com/ti/j.php?ED=160418512&UID=479391496&RT=MiM3
Alternatively, enter meeting number 756 218 344 at: http://ti.webex.com
Meeting password: (This meeting does not require a password.)
