New ways to harvest energy through light, vibrations, heat and motion are emerging to power sensor networks that can detect, report and monitor conditions without the need for wires or batteries.

Today, TI announced a new solar energy harvesting kit that converts low-level ambient light into power for various applications. Developers can now build self-powered, solar-based wireless sensor networks, eliminating costly batteries and making it easier to reach remote locations.

TI’s new solar energy harvesting kit enables applications which include:

  • Remote monitoring for structural soundness – Powered by vibrations, wireless sensor nodes on a bridge can report critical structural information back to a central location point
  • Medical monitoring – Body warn monitoring devices powered by body heat, movement can report on a patient’s vital signs (heart rate, temperature, etc.)
  • Monitor environmental conditions – Monitor temperature, humidity levels and other environmental conditions at various locations across a winery, farm, etc.
  • Mesh networking for environmental monitoring – Forest fire detection through wireless mesh networks
  • Automotive monitoring – Easily identify when tire pressure is low by vibration powered sensors

Migrated from and posted by TI communicators who follow the ever evolving world of power and energy. The team maintained and blogged about TI’s new innovation announcements and power activities.
