Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: Hello
I would like to know about the CLKOUT0 output.
Technical Reference Manual: SPRUJ55B Table 6-28 states that XTALCLK can be selected as the clock source for CLKOUT0.
If the input to XTALCLK is 25MHz +50ppm,…
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Could you tell me when when the tmdscnsd263_system\makefile_system_ccs_bootimage_gen file is generated?
It says in the file "Auto generated makefile", but when is this generated?
It says in the…
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869HM Tool/software: Hi Team,
How can my customer configure the registers for the Ethernet PHY (DP83869hm) registers?
What drivers should they use to configure the register settings below?
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: Hey Experts, if i get it correctly from the academy side: the SDFM data rdy interrupt is only synced one time to the PWM? i want that only a PWM SOCA event triggers a SDFM data read, and this a data rdy Interrupt. …
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: HI Brennan, Did TI updated the AM263x and AM263Px Hardware Design Guidelines documents? Thanks & Regards, Amit Teke
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: HI,
when I want to run it in other than DEVBOOT mode like(OSPI and QSPI) i am facing this error how to use ither modes??
Cortex_R5_0: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0x0 on Page 0 of Length 0x40: (Error -1065 @…
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
I'm reading the value of TaskP_loadGetTotalCpuLoad() in two cores at 1s intervals. configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS=1. The FreeRTOS is from SDK 09_02_00_56.
Core 0 has FreeRTOS with some CAN code but not much…
Hi Sebastian,
The issue was with the Flash address that you have configured, it should be 0x80000000 instead of 60000000.
Sebastien Chapeau said: Adding 256 bytes to flash start location:
Somehow I missed to validate it in the first go.
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
I am currently using DEV_BOOT mode on my controller. However, I face an issue where every time I perform a Power-On Reset (POR) to start a debug session, the program memory resets since it is stored in O…
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
I am currently working with the MCAN peripheral of the AM263Px CC and using a modified version of the canfd_external_read_write example from the AM263Px MCU+SDK (Version to enable the transmission…