TIDA020047 uses the GD25Q64 and the QE bit has to be set. The ‘qeType’ had to be set to ‘6’, so that the Giga-device flash device would receive the correct “QE” enable command (0x31) into the appropriate non-volatile writeable status register.…
Part Number: AM2732 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: Hi,
We are trying to write firmware to the QSPI Flash memory on a custom board we made. The SDK we are using is mcu_plus_sdk_am273x_09_01_00_41. The tool we are using for flashing…
Part Number: AM2732-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , AM2732 Tool/software: Hi Ti support
I am studying the method about uart uniflash for AM2732 NZN, I have already flashed successful with JTAG.
I follow the link AM273x MCU+ SDK: Flash a Hello…
Hi Ming,
Thanks for the reply. Can you please point me to the relevant sources of " sbl_keywriter" for AM273x?
I just wanted to know the API's that we can use from SBL or application to access the OTP memory.
Part Number: AM2732 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi team,
I'm configuring new f lash via CCS and reffer this AM273x MCU+ SDK: Writing flash driver for a custom flash device steps. when I'm in
Step 4: Test the new flash…
Hi BL,
According to your MAP file, you DSS_L3 is about 1.4MB and the DSS_L2 is about 320KB. You can experiment the performance of your program by adjusting the L2 cache size. According the AM273x TRM, you can have up 256KB out of the 384KB DSS_L2 used…
Part Number: AM2732 Tool/software: Hello.
During the ethernet debugging, we used the enet_cpsw_udpserver routine and communicate directly with the PC using netconn_sendto to send information to the PC. However, we encountered the following error: "Routing…
Part Number: AM2732-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: Hi Team,
We are using a 16MB flash on our HW. We are trying to write 2 binaries(size-36 bytes & 74 bytes) into 0xE00000 & 0xE01000 locations of flash using SBL_UA…
Part Number: AM2732-Q1
Hi Team,
I'm working on AM2732-SBL. While going through TI SDK bootloader sources there is memory reserved for SBL in 2 sections as mentioned below.
> Can anyone confirm on why below memory sections were reserved…