Hi D.,
d_zero said: 1) Can you provide the current source code for PTM?
1) You may reference this FAQ: https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/1409291/faq-processor-sdk-am64x-how-to-enable-rtos-based-pcie-ptm
d_zero said…
It has been over two weeks since I raised this query on the SPI communication issue in the AM68a processor. I would appreciate a response to clarify the unexpected behavior observed with the MISO and MOSI pins as outlined in my earlier post.
Part Number: AM68A Tool/software: Hi Expert
Does AM68A support CMOS Image Sensor IMX577?
Does am68a support any 12M CMOS Image Sensor ?
If AM68A cannot support 12m CMOS Image Sensor, are there any other recommended SOC models?
What is the maximum resolution…
Part Number: AM68A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM69A , Tool/software: Hi Expert,
I don't see rtc battery on evm
Does AM69A support rtc function?
How to implement rtc function?
Part Number: AM68A Tool/software: Good day, colleagues,
My customer submitted e2e post some time ago: https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/1444600/am68a-need-some-clarification-for-bt656-interlaced-video-output-d…
Part Number: AM68A Tool/software: Hi Support Team,
In the following description of the Edge AI Studio Model Composer, it does not mention anything about its own models, which concerns me. Is it correct to understand that Model Composer can import and…
Hi Adam;
Thanks for inputs and helps
Hi csscyt;
Here is the info about the compatibility between TIDL and SDK.
When you download the SDK, make sure to…
Hi Amandio,
In TRM section, each VP can go to two different interfaces as shown below:
However, DSI0 can only be reached through the third VP, so what is in the default TI devicetree should work for your custom board as well.
As for timing,…