Part Number: BEAGLEY-AI
Tool/software: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM67A
This is a beginner question: Should I understand that AM67A SDK and its dafult image will not work on BeagleY-AI? I thought I could use that SDK since board has AM67A processor. I follow Processor…
Part Number: BEAGLEY-AI Tool/software: Hi,
I had a few questions about the BB Y AI platform -
Is the ' PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-AM67A — Processor SDK Linux for AM67A' image provided by TI for AM67A compatible with Beagle Y AI board.
Does TI provide…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM67A Tool/software: Dear TI Engineers,
This new BeagleY AI looks good.
The problem is - I heard that its official OS does not support any camera yet.
So, can I install the processor…
Part Number: BEAGLEY-AI Tool/software: General info ------------ Model: 1.onnx (exported from yolov8n, ONNX opset 12, onnx==1.13.0) Compile scripts: // <- run this Complete console logs of model compilation: with debug_level…
Part Number: BEAGLEY-AI Tool/software: Hi, I have an application that run on sk-am62A-lp. I want to port it on a beagley-AI that use an AM67A instead of a AM62A. Beagle don't provide an official yocto image (That's unfortunate !). Can you advise me how…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM67 Tool/software: Team, Is it planed to had support for BEAGLEY-AI as part of the TI Linux SDK/PROCESSOR-SDK-AM67? Thanks,
When I follow the step of , some Errors occurred as follows:
root@am62pxx-evm:~/work# sudo dpkg -i…
Patrick Shalton ,
Thank you for your words. I just configured it correctly. It seems there was a part without a datasheet that was acting a bit over in voltage for the LOW of the pin from GND.
So, it would output over 0.6v for LOW. This was not a use…
Part Number: AM67A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRA821 , Tool/software: TI's HW device like the DRA821 usually supports Die-Registers to have 4 unique 32-bits numbers for each device like CTRLMMR_WKUP_DIE_ID0, CTRLMMR_WKUP_DIE_ID1, CTRLMMR_WKUP_DIE_ID2…
The AM67A SDK and J722S SDKs , which include Linux, RTOS and QNX, are all meant for the same device . The differences between these SDKs are outlined in the pages linked. These SDKs can be used for BeagleY-AI but keep in mind that we have only validated…