Hi Dominic,
Are you using the LabVIEW GUI that accompanies TMP107EVM? Described here: https://www.ti.com/lit/sbou158
When developing your own software, I recommend the library included with BOOSTXL-TMP107 software examples. www.ti.com/.../BOOSTXL-TMP10…
Part Number: TMP114 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5528 , USB2ANY , TMP144 , TMP144EVM , BOOSTXL-TMP107 , TMP107 , TMP104 Hello, do you have MCU SW or CCS project which read out the TMP114. Also the EVM project would work.
Regards, Holger
Hi Christian,
The TMP107EVM GUI was developed in LabVIEW and doesn't support Linux operating systems.
The software library included with BOOSTXL-TMP107 could be used to write software for TMP107 on Linux. You would just need to provide access to the…
Part Number: TMP107EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP107 , BOOSTXL-TMP107 Hello, I would like to log some hours of data from the TMP107EVM module. I have tried using the TMP107 GUI and exporting the data however this only records the last 100 samples…
TMP107 meets your accuracy requirement and its UART style communication will be the most robust over long cable lengths. We have a BoosterPack with example code for the MSP430 platform.
Part Number: BOOSTXL-SENSORS Reg: Order Inquiry T00788597
Please take a closer look at the uploaded image, and tell me TMP107 sensor is attached.
I don't know but TI has q low quality assurance progam.
Hi Srijith,
MSP430 code for TMP107 is available on the BOOSTXL-TMP107 landing page. This hardware is still unreleased, but the documentation and source code are live on the web. See www.ti.com/.../BOOSTXL-TMP107
No problem; i'll wait for you to follow-up.
In the mean time, you might also direct your firmware engineer to have a look at the source code for BOOSTXL-TMP107.
Hi Lokraj,
Global Temperature Read command up to device address 14:
Received only one temperature value which is valid one, instead of 4. Does this mean the first device is only responding?
Not necessarily, if the addresses were re-initialized…