Part Number: CLOCK-TREE-ARCHITECT Tool/software: Did you ever find a solution to this problem?
I'm on my work from home laptop for hours now. Granted our IT has been hog tying free usage of PC fundamentals in the pursuit of security.
Part Number: CLOCK-TREE-ARCHITECT Tool/software: Hello Team,
My customer told me that the clock architect is stucking in the loading state. Can you please advise?
Hi Kevin, I'm afraid given the number of outputs you have you're limited to a jitter cleaner. I do believe LMK3H2018 might suffice given it has a buffer mode option, but I would need to check if we can divide down a 200MHz input - and most importantly…
Part Number: TMS320F28P650DK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi,
in the TRM under the clocking section the CLB clock tree is reported as follows:
In the CLB section is reported like this:
And in sysconfig like this:
Part Number: AM263P4-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hey, is there anything like a clock tree view? For example in systemconfig i don't know, what speed has the PWM clock and how to change it. Also iam not able to change…
Part Number: LMK5C33414A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04832 , TX08D , AFE58JD48 , LMK5C33216A Tool/software: Hi Ti experts,
I am working on a clock tree design for a medical ultrasound system, and in TI's references, the LMK04832 is recommended…