Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC7311 , MSP430G2231 Hi
I would like to convert an analog voltage to digital number by ADC in MSP430 if A1 > 0.5*AVcc and convert back into analog by DAC chip ( http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/dac7311.pdf .)
And this…
Hi Adam,
Unfortunately if they want to pass a 100MHz PWM signal over the isolation barrier then it's going to require more than 4mA of supply current which is more than a two-wire loop can support without using more circuitry. Basically the two-wire…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC0800 , DAC0808 , XTR116 , ISO7641FC , DAC7311 , ISO1541 , DAC7571 I have an application which need to convert a binary value 0-255 to a 4-20 mA signal. I would like to do this using a XTR116 and DAC0808 or DAC0800 d/a converter…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC7311 A recent email I got from the field: My customer is looking for a very cheap, dual, 12 bit DAC (sub $1). What will be the best alternative?
Moiz : If not then can I have more than 1 slave in SPI mode? Cause I can get DAC and POT that use 3-wire SPI too.
BrandonAzbell : If you use a DAC with a SPI interface, then yes you could use the one SPI peripheral plus 2 GPIOs to act as selects for the …