Part Number: DS100RT410 Tool/software: Hi Team,
We are looking for ethernet signal conditioner, either retimer or redriver for below application. Could you share your suggestion?
Part Number: DS100RT410 Hello,
I am trying to use the DS100RT410 ibis model in hyperlynx its it is giving a bunch of syntax errors. See below.
"Error : DS1xxRT410 Error : at line 149 in file C:/Work/Projects/YOSEMITE/YOS_VIDEO_03062024_VIAS_40IN…
Part Number: DS100RT410 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS125RT410 , DS125DF410 Tool/software: Hello,
I have been playing around with the DS125RT410 ibis model and keep getting insanely long simulation time and crazy results. If I use the DS125DF410 ibis…
Part Number: DS100RT410 Hi team,
My customer are evaluating DS100RT410 face many problems. do you have some quickly start or guideline can share?
also, could you share default registers help customer or initialization reference code?
there have 4 DS100RT410…
Part Number: DS100RT410 Hi TI Support,
I had a general question about the DS100RT410 's PRBS Generator.
Is it possible to use the following ASIC only for the PRBS Generator? I am presently exploring this as a potential option to use on a test board…
Part Number: DS100RT410 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS110RT410 , Hi,
I was looking to find out about the capabilities of this device and whether the PRBS geenrator in free-running mode running from the VCO without an input can be tuned to output 10…
Part Number: DS100RT410 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS100DF410 Hello,
I have two questions,
1) does the TI have 10G Re-timer for 10G-KR to SFP+ optics module,
2)if no re-timer for the 10G-KR solution, does TI suggest and confidence to use XFI to…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS100DF410 , DS100RT410 Dear Sirs
I have three questions about DS100DF410 and DS100RT410.
1.What is the different between DS100DF410 and DS100RT410?
In my opinion, DS100DF410 has more DFE function.
DS100RT410 (EQ+CDR+DE): 10…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS100RT410 , DS100DF410 Dear Sirs
Would you please provide related design files?
- Reference Design
- ORCAD Lib.
- IBIS model