Part Number: HD3SS212 Hi,
I was wondering if there was a reference circuit for this part available I saw a this previous posting (
Part Number: HD3SS212 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS214 Hi,
As a passive MUX, can we confirm HD3SS212/HD3SS214 can be used as either direction? We need to confirm if it can be used to implement 1-in/2-out DP MUX or not.
Part Number: HD3SS212 Hi Expert
My customer ask if we make OEn=high be in standby/shutdown mode, how is the channel look-in impedance of the chip?
Because We need to sure if OEn=high, there are no signal can path through the channel.
Please help answer…
Hi Brian,
Thank you for the document. It will be helpful. Is there any documentation that talks about DisplayPort instead of USB? I am considering whether it is possible to switch similarly using HD3SS212. If you have similar reference materials, please…
Part Number: HD3SS212 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS3212 Dears:
From datasheet we can see the chip can connect with VBUS.
Can be VBUS's voltage 0V?
Thanks a lot!
Best regards
Luck Wu
Part Number: HD3SS212 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS3212 , TS5USBC400 Dear team,
Customer wonder if there are some special design inside positive signal channel and negative signal channel? How about customer switch the signal between those two…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS212 Hi There,
I have two questions regarding HD3SS212:
1. Can HD3SS212 accept AC-coupling input?
2. If only use one or two lane(s), how to treat the unused inputs?
Best regards,
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS212 , HD3SS3212 I’m looking into using the HD3SS212 switch for my project. I was wondering if anyone has used this for SATA or PCIe. Would this switch be compatible with those standards?
Part Number: HD3SS6126 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HD3SS212 , TS3USB221 , TMUXHS4212 , TUSB544 We want to use hd3ss6126 as USB2.0/3.0 Differential Switch 2:1 MUX , hd3ss212 as DP1.1a 2:1 MUX.
Could you help confirm the stability of this solution and delivery…