Hi Pooja,
We do not have IBIS models for the ICs you have mentioned above, however, we do have IBIS models for https://www.ti.com/product/LMH0302 , which is not dual output but is still a cable driver like LMH0307, and the LMH0318 reclocker has an IBIS…
Hi Naoki-san,
Please accept my friend request. I will send you the IBIS-AMI model through a private message.
The DS30BA101 is a low power option:
Also, the LMH0302 is a possibility. The power consumption of the two devices is the same.
Part Number: LMH0302 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH0397 , LMH0387 Hi Team,
Please suggest how to adjust LMH0302 to improve eye diagram?
Ex. Adjust RREF, or any other way?
Thank you.
Part Number: LMH0302 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH0397 , LMH0318 Hello,
Could you provide me the analog pspice model please?
I'd like to perform analog (not digital) simulation.
Part Number: LMH0302 Hello,
The datasheet says theres is an internal pull up resistor on ENABLE pin. What is the minimum and maximum resistor value?
Moreover, what is the input leakage current of SD_HD input pin please?
Part Number: LMH0302 HI,
My customer has the following questions:
The input capacitors on the LMH0302SQE/NOPB device and output filtering is different than the data sheet recommendations.
The ac coupling input capacitors are 0.47 uF rather than the suggested…
Hi Tony,
DS30EA101 and BA 101 are the same as LMH0394 and LMH0302. EVM for EA101 and BA101 are available. Please refer customer to LMH0394 and LMH0302 for additional details.
Part Number: LMH0324 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH0302 LMH0324 configuration parameters are as follows
Part Number: LMH0302 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH0307 , LMH0324 Hi Team,
My customer want to use LMH0302/LMH0307 as a 3G SDI cable driver. The distance of the cable may be about 50m. Can you help check the drive capability of these two devices…