Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12J4000EVM , ADC12J4000 , LMH5401 , LMH3401 , LMH6401 Hi, Just wondering if you have any ideas to improve the ADCJ4000EVM at low frequencies, would the balun on the board be causing this at all?
Hooman san, If our customer realize variation 56ps, do you have any recommended devices?(except LMH6401, LMH6401 is a bit expensive,,,) If you have some advice, please let us know it. We appreciate for your help.
Kind regards, Hirotaka Matsumoto
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS5400 , LMH6401 , ADS6123 Hi,
My Sensor's output is Differential Analog signal with 2.5V Vref and 1V peak to peak with this Vref.
So Analog signal vary between 2V to 3V with 2.5V reference level.
will you suggest the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS54J60 , LMH3401 , LMH6401 , TSW54J60EVM We are looking to use the ADS54J60 dual channel ADC in a future design. What is the recommended buffer amp for the RF input into the ADC?
Thanks in advance,
Which path are you using on the EVM? What is the gain setting if you are using the LMH6401 path? You mentioned a 50MHz BW input signal? Was this multi-tone? If so, how many? What is the amplitude of these tones at the input of the ADC?
Regards, …
Part Number: ADS54J60EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS54J60 Hi,
I'm using a TSW54J60EVM and a TSW14J56EVM to evaluate the ADS54J60 and the LMH6401 . I have captured raw data from a sine wave (10MHz, 0dBm) and also from a DC signal (50ohm to ground)…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828 , ADS54J60 , TSW54J60EVM , LMH6401 , TRF370417 We purchase TSW54J60 Evaluation Module
I ran the default configuration on the user guide ( SLAU649A–September 2015–Revised September 2015) Page 7 Navigate to …