Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A Tool/software: When start up from EMMC, How we do secureboot signature to Linux kernel , UBOOT, dtb automatively.
In TI SDK, there is tiboot3-am62ax-hs-evm.bin, how to produce the file.
Our project need to produce…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A Tool/software: Please combine two sources (camera frames and graphic overlays) into one image using hardware pipelines.
1. How can I get started with QNX? I am requesting a QNX build.
Can someone please take this up and…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A Tool/software: Hi, I wanted to run a edge detection program using sobel filter. How can I run that on the DSP? Is there any documentation about the APIs of TIOVX?
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A Tool/software: Hi, I'm trying to compile yolov8 custom model. I can generate onnx and prototxt files and I'm trying to complie these models under edgeai-tidl-tools. However, I'm facing following error. 1. Envirnment…
Hi, I'm generating custom yolov8 model and complie onnx and prototxt file under edgeai-tidl-tool and edgeai-benchmark repo. Since I could generate files, so I run my custom model under AM62A EVM. However…
Thanks for the update, Joseph.
Prashant Shivhare said: You may apply the following patch to have the debug extension in the X.509 certificate itself. If the issue is not due to the authentication failure then the ROM would unlock the JTAG.
Please make sure…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A Tool/software: Hello. TI experts
I'm trying to build all in PSDK-LINUMX-AM62A based on…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62A-LP Tool/software: Hi,
I am using SK-AM62A-LP board.
I want to change the resolution of my display from 1920x1080 to 1280x720. Here is my mode information of display root@am62axx…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62A Tool/software: Hello All
We have New use case to access the Ethernet MAC from A53 Core and R5F MCU core at the same time , so I need confirm the following ,
1- Can CPSW3G be accessed directly from both core at the same…