Part Number: SN74LVC8T245-EP This is an inquiry regarding the VQFN package CLVC8T245MRHLTEP.
( CLVC8T245MRHLTEP cannot be entered with Part number.)
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Part Number: SN74LVC8T245-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC8T245-Q1 Hello,
Could you help check and advise the difference between SN74LVC8T245-EP and SN74LVC8T245-Q1?
Except the operating temperature range, is there any other difference?
If the…
Part Number: SN74LVC8T245-EP Hi,
I'm trying to share SN74LVC8T245-EP across 1.8V/2.5V -> 3.3V conversion.
My application is similar to picture in Section 10.2 of the device datasheet. The direction is fixed portA (1.8V) to portB(3.3V).
But I also…
Part Number: SN74LVC8T245-EP If VCCA is supplied at +3.3V, can it support a 5V input? (i.e. at A* and OE_L, assuming the current is limited) Inside the datasheet there is no mention of power clamp (and the IBIS model suggests there isn’t one). The (GND…
Part Number: SN74LVC8T245-EP Hi Experts
I am looking for the reliability/qualification report for orderable V62/09615-01ZE aka CLVC8T245MRHLTEP.
This doesn't seem to be available in the product folder.
Can someone please provide it?
Jim B
Part Number: DRV8873-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8873 , , SN74LVC8T245-EP
Subject: Urgent Help Needed: Issues with DRV8873 - Q1 H-Bridge Driver in Project
Hi Team,
We are currently integrating the DRV8873-Q1 H-bridge driver from TI…
Part Number: SN74LVC8T245-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC8T245 The DSCC drawing P/N is V62/09615-01XE (TI P/N = SN74LVC8T245-EP). Can you tell me if there is an equivalent Military P/N (5962...) for this device?
Part Number: SN74LVC8T245 Hi,
Please note on one of a board a level shifter SN74LVC8T245-EP has been used for level shifting bidirectional data lines from 5V to 3.3V.
Keeping notified that the board is currently under assembly stage.