Yes, but only if you respect its many limitations (see section 8.3 of the datasheet).
You should use direction-controlled voltage translators , e.g., SN74LXC1T45, SN74LXC2T45, SN74LXC8T45.
Part Number: TXS0104E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC1G07 , SN74LVC1G06 , SN74LXC1T14 , SN74LXC1T45 Tool/software: Dear Team,
In the above highlighted circuit, the USB VBUS is detecting and level shifting to 1.8V using n-Channel MOSFET. Can you…
The SN74LXC2T45 is the only two-channel device that supports this output current.
But both channels go into the same direction. If you need one channel in each direction, use 2× SN74LXC1T45.
If the goal is to do level shifting, an actual level shifter (e.g., TXU0101, SN74LXC1T45) with a push/pull output would allow such speeds.
But if you really need a fast open-drain output, you could add a strong open-drain buffer after the comparator.…
The rise time violates the Δt/Δv limit. I do not know whether this is the cause of the problem, but you are certainly running the device outside its recommended operating conditions, and you are likely to get oscillations at the output. Use the SN74LXC1T45…
It is not possible to use an auto-bidirectional translator for the SDI-12 data line.
You need a direction-controlled translator like the SN74LXC1T45. If your MCU uses separate input and output pins, add a series resistor at the output so that the MCU…
Pseudo open-drain outputs have an internal pull-up.
Open-drain outputs require pull-up resistors, but you already have them. Please note that an open-drain output can be used for level shifting by pulling up to a different voltage; you need a translator…