Part Number: TCAN1462V-Q1 To whom it may concern -
Does TCAN1462V-Q1 have an IBIS model? If not, is there an IBIS model that can be used as a placeholder that has similar characteristics?
Thank you,
Part Number: TCAN1462V-Q1 Hello team,
I received a question from the customer.
If only VIO is shut off from VCC (5V) and VIO (3.3V) being supplied, does VCC ever affect the VIO line?
Part Number: TCAN1462V-Q1 Hi,
Good Day.
In the datasheet, it is mentioned that the transceiver loop delay is 160 nsec max.
They said the bit rate is less than the loop delay.
Do we have to enable the transceiver delay mechanism for proper working?
Part Number: TCAN1462V-Q1 Hi expert,
Regarding TCAN1462 V -Q1
Does TCAN1462V have any limitation for power up/down sequence between Vcc and Vio?
For example, If customer supply power to Vio only, does Vcc pin have any leakage voltage? (also, how about…
Hi Daniel,
VIO is only available on TCAN1044AV-Q1 and TCAN1462V-Q1, the non-V version doesn't have VIO pin.
Daniel Wang (auto) said: For 1044A and 1462, can the STB be awakened by setting to high when VCC is out of power and VIO is powered?
Yes, on…
Part Number: TCAN1462-Q1 Tool/software: Hi team,
My customer wants to know whether TCAN1462V have the SOT-23 (DDF) package, looks like it is avaialble in datasheet first page, but cannot order in MPN.
Hello Thomas,
Thanks for the files, really appreciated.
Is TCAN1462V-Q1 or an alternative CAN transceiver CAN FD (SIC) compatible with the PCB? The pins appear compatible but pin 5 is connected to a regulated supply in some designs?