Part Number: TMS320DM8127 Hi team,
My customer would like to switch over from DM8147 to DM8127.
What is the difference between DM8127 and DM8147? Do we have any documentation for the migration or details the differences?
Thanks, Connie
Part Number: TMS320DM8127 Hello,
I am in need of an alternative Ethernet switch for a design using TMS320DM8127. DP83826IRHBx seems to be a good fit, is this device compatible with TMS320DM8127, are there better suited PHYs to conisder?
Part Number: TMS320DM8127 Hello,
We are trying to operate DM8127 (IPNC RDK) McBSP through EDMA. For that we use EDMA channels 15 (McBSP Rx) and 14 (McBSP Tx). Both channels are liked to a couple of ping-pong buffering sets.
The problem is EDMA ch-15 does…
Part Number: TMS320DM8127 Hi There,
Can't get the DM8147. Can get the DM8127. Our application uses no video peripherals. What are the differences between the two parts apart from video functionality?. I do see the ARM L2 cache is 256KB instead of…
Part Number: TMS320DM8127 Hi TI support team,
Where can download the TMS320DM8127SCYE3 H data sheet, My customer want to compare the difference between TMS320DM8127SCYE3 & TMS320DM8127SCYE3 H , TI website can't find any TMS320DM8127SCYE3 H information…
Part Number: TMDSCSK8127 I work with TMDSCSK8127 board and use IPNC-RDK-CSK (3_9_1) I need to change and read PLLSS (and any other) register values from the terminal
As I understand, linux_prcm_ipcam work with registers using the WR_MEM_32(addr, data)…
Part Number: TMS320DM8127
I try to bringup the DM8127 development kit, following the user guide. However, it keep display CCCCCCC in TeraTerm terminal.
I also try to rewrite image file in sd card by following instructions in this link http://processors…
Part Number: TMS320DM8127 Hi,
I'm working with the platform DM8127 IPNC. In order to adapt to my existing environment and procedures, I need the package IPNC_RDK_V3.8.0-Linux-x86-Install.bin .
But on TI website I can only find the version IPNC-RDK-CSK…