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LMH6559: See above

Part Number: LMH6559
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI

Seeing several milliamps of input bias current instead of microamps at 400MHz in simulation. Is there a non-specified relationship between frequency and bias current or is it an issue with the model?

LMH6559 Injput Current vs Frequency.docx

* (C) National Semiconductor, Corporation.
* Models developed and under copyright by:
* National Semiconductor, Corporation.
* Legal Notice:
* The model may be copied, and distributed without any modifications;
* however, reselling or licensing the material is illegal.
* We reserve the right to make changes to the model without prior notice.
* Pspice Models are provided "AS IS, WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND"
* For more information, and our latest models,
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* PINOUT ORDER  4  1  5  8
.SUBCKT LMH6559 4 1 5 8
Q21 5 9 10 QPB 2
R91 11 12 1
Q22 1 13 12 QNB 2
R92 10 11 1
Q25 14 4 15 QNI
Q26 16 4 17 QPI
R100 18 15 1
R101 17 19 1
R102 11 20 0.5
E8 21 11 12 11 10
E9 11 22 11 10 10
R103 23 21 100
R104 24 22 100
Q31 25 23 11 QNB
Q32 26 24 11 QPB
D1 13 25 DD
D2 26 9 DD
C5 20 0 0.1P
L3 20 8 6E-9
R105 20 8 100
C8 4 0 1.6E-12
Q33 27 19 28 QNB
Q34 29 18 30 QPB
Q35 13 13 31 QNB
Q36 9 9 31 QPB
Q37 13 27 14 QPB
Q38 27 27 14 QPB
Q39 9 29 16 QNB
Q40 29 29 16 QNB
R119 32 28 1
R120 30 32 1
Q59 18 33 16 QNS
Q60 33 33 16 QNS
Q61 19 34 14 QPS
Q62 34 34 14 QPS
R138 35 34 5E3
I1 34 33 0.45E-3
R139 32 11 37
C14 32 0 1.5E-12
E16 36 0 35 0 1
R141 33 35 5E3
R142 36 4 300E3
R143 0 36 1E9
C16 32 11 3E-12
E21 14 1 37 5 -0.121
E22 5 16 37 5 -0.121
V8 1 37 4.5
R144 5 37 1E9
I2 4 36 3E-6
.MODEL DD D RS=5 TT=0.5N CJO=0.35E-12
+ RE=0.5 IS =1.880E-15 BF =1.810E+02 NF =1.0 VAF=8.457E+01
+ IKF=6.800E-02 ISE=2.620E-16 NE =1.197E+00 BR =3.971E+01
+ NR =1.0 VAR=1.696E+00 IKR=3.513E-01 ISC=1.348E-18
+ NC =1.7 RB =8 RC =3.738E+00 CJE=282E-15 VJE=7.973E-01
+ MJE=9.0E-01 TF =1.871E-12 XTF=1.873E+01 VTF=4.825E+00
+ ITF=5.278E-01 PTF=0.0 CJC=612E-15 VJC=8.046E-01
+ TR=1.3E-9 CJS=0.015E-12 IRB=1.0E-3 RBM=3.5
+ MJC=9.0E-01 XCJC=0.8 MJS=9E-01 KF=165F AF=1
+ FC =9.765E-01
+ RE=0.5 IS =1.880E-15 BF =1.810E+02 NF =1.0 VAF=8.457E+01
+ IKF=6.800E-02 ISE=2.620E-16 NE =1.197E+00 BR =3.971E+01
+ NR =1.0 VAR=1.696E+00 IKR=3.513E-01 ISC=1.348E-18
+ NC =1.7 RB =8 RC =3.738E+00 CJE=282E-15 VJE=7.973E-01
+ MJE=9.0E-01 TF =1.871E-12 XTF=1.873E+01 VTF=4.825E+00
+ ITF=5.278E-01 PTF=0.0 CJC=612E-15 VJC=8.046E-01
+ TR=1.3E-9 CJS=0.015E-12 IRB=1.0E-3 RBM=3.5
+ MJC=9.0E-01 XCJC=0.8 MJS=9E-01 KF=165F AF=1
+ FC =9.765E-01
+ RE=0.5 IS =1.880E-15 BF =1.810E+02 NF =1.0 VAF=8.457E+01
+ IKF=6.800E-02 ISE=2.620E-16 NE =1.197E+00 BR =3.971E+01
+ NR =1.0 VAR=1.696E+00 IKR=3.513E-01 ISC=1.348E-18
+ NC =1.7 RB =8 RC =3.738E+00 CJE=282E-15 VJE=7.973E-01
+ MJE=9.0E-01 TF =1.871E-12 XTF=1.873E+01 VTF=4.825E+00
+ ITF=5.278E-01 PTF=0.0 CJC=612E-15 VJC=8.046E-01
+ TR=1.3E-9 CJS=0.015E-12 IRB=1.0E-3 RBM=3.5
+ MJC=9.0E-01 XCJC=0.8 MJS=9E-01 KF=165F AF=1
+ FC =9.765E-01
+ RE=0.5 IS =1.880E-15 BF =1.810E+02 NF =1.0 VAF=8.457E+01
+ IKF=6.800E-02 ISE=2.620E-16 NE =1.197E+00 BR =3.971E+01
+ NR =1.0 VAR=1.696E+00 IKR=3.513E-01 ISC=1.348E-18
+ NC =1.7 RB =8 RC =3.738E+00 CJE=282E-15 VJE=7.973E-01
+ MJE=9.0E-01 TF =1.871E-12 XTF=1.873E+01 VTF=4.825E+00
+ ITF=5.278E-01 PTF=0.0 CJC=612E-15 VJC=8.046E-01
+ TR=1.3E-9 CJS=0.015E-12 IRB=1.0E-3 RBM=3.5
+ MJC=9.0E-01 XCJC=0.8 MJS=9E-01 KF=165F AF=1
+ FC =9.765E-01