we are about to design a TIA with the OPA855. In the end, we intend to use it together with a high-speed photodiode. We have the eval board of the OPA855 which works perfectly well as long as we use it in standard amplifier configuration. But changing it to TIA, we do not get rid of ocsillations around 2GHz. By now, we do not yet use it with the diode, our intention was to first get it stable without it. Instead of the diode, we have tried to short the input, to terminate it with 50R, leave it open.... without changes...We have also increased the feedback resistor, changed the feedback caps. We tried to stick to the recommentations of the data sheet...
For the layout of our pcb, we tried several possiblilties, but all configurations oscillate. I will attach one of these...
Do you have any suggestions?