Good Day. The OPAx192 pspice model that was downloaded from has issues at times when running on a single supply (like 5V to ground). it looks like it's taking time while computing bias levels. Is there a recommended option setup you can recommend that might give better simulation times? We are currently using Cadence 17.4 (Orcad Capture 17.4). Output window shows the following:
Reading and checking circuit
Circuit read in and checked, no errors
Calculating bias point
Starting GMIN stepping
Starting power supply stepping
Starting pseudo-transient algorithm
INFO(ORPSIM-16594): To improve Pseudotransient Convergence and Performance, set following options to relax stabilization criteria for capacitor currents and inductor voltages: PTRANABSTOL=1e-5, PTRANVNTOL=1e-4
ERROR(ORPSIM-16550): Floating point computation failed during matrix solution. Possible solutions: 1)Ensure that all device parameters are in valid range. 2)Try using .options LIMIT
Divide by Zero, Divide
INTERNAL ERROR -- Divide by Zero, Divide
Run aborted
Total job time (using Solver 1) = 23.84
INFO(ORPROBE-3188): Simulation aborted
Thanks for your help.
John Gray