Dear Experts, I am working on an OP-AMP circuit to scale and offset that converts a +/-2V signal to 0-3V signal. For this I am using the classical circuit (circuit-1) as mentioned in the TI's reference circuits. However, I have recently learned from CMMR VIDEO-1 (07:44) that, Non-Inverting amplifiers suffers distortion. Therefore, it is recommended to use a inverting amplifiers. What would you people recommend for this application (voltages range: less than 3V but frequencies upto 10KHz).
In other-words, If Non-Inverting amplifiers has the CMRR issue, why should Non-Inverting Amplifier exists? One might say it might not be that significant. Then I have the question, WHEN TO IGNORE CMMR distortion problem?
Rajesh BN.