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Hi Expert,
My customer mentioned that OPA192 has output signal delay issue as pic.
Please share some comment and recommendation for us. Thanks!
Hi Chaofu,
I estimated that the 18V supply voltage has switching frequency at approx. 200kHz. Please replace R334 from 10Ω to 100Ω, and use low ESR MLCC bypass capacitors at C339 and C343. This will provide the cutoff frequency to approx. 1.4kHz range on the 18V supply rail.
My guess is that the screen shot is captured during the initial power on period of the current sensing system. The red line is the system's current up to 200A, what is the yellow line on ch1. Is it the CS1 output node? Please limit the BW of the OPA192 difference amplifier and rerun the screen shot with the above two modifications.
OPA192 Isense 200A Vdiff 12182023.TSC
If you have other questions, please let us know.
Hi Chaofu,
If you have additional questions, please let us know.
We are going to the holiday seasons in U.S after 12/22. If the issues are resolved, please close this inquiry. Otherwise, I will be happy to answer your questions.
Hi Chaofu,
I am going to close this inquiry for now.
If you have additional questions, please let me know.