
Part Number: XTR115


Merhaba, bu konuda yeniyim.
ESP32'nin 25 numaralı DAC pinini kullanarak 4-20mA SSR rölesini kontrol etmek istiyorum. Ekte devremi gönderiyorum. XTR115'in 4 numaralı pininden akımı yönetemiyorum. Akım sürekli sabit. ESP'nin DAC pinini doğrudan bağlamak bir hata mıdır? Bana bir çözüm önerebilir misiniz?
Şimdiden teşekkür ederim.

  • Hi Erhan,

    Would it be possible to write this in English? I'm looking at the google translation and worried it might be missing some key points. 

    Also the company firewall is blocking the google drive. Would you be able to post the images of the schematic on here? 

    Thank you,

    Robert Clifton 

  • Hello, I am new to this.
    I want to control a 4-20mA SSR relay using ESP32's DAC pin number 25. I am sending my circuit in the attachment. I cannot manage the current from XTR115's pin number 4. The current is constantly constant. Is it a mistake to connect the ESP's DAC pin directly? Can you suggest me a solution?
    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi Erhan,

    Thank you for understanding. 

    You will want to avoid connecting IRET to common ground. In fact, you are going to want to connect your system as such: 

    It's critical for the current in Iret to be properly connected for the ratio of current from In to match the expected Iout (4-20mA).