LM2903B-Q1: Test temperature condition variation

Part Number: LM2903B-Q1


Dear team,

I found LM2903B-Q1 has some variation about test temperature condition range as shown in 2.11 in the datasheet.

I understand it is defined by wafer test temperature condition. Can I know when the customer select which one?

What would change for each variation? I could not find any information about it except below table.

Best regards,
Yuto Kitamura

  • TI always guarantees that the device works correctly over the entire temperature range.

    These additional tests reduce the risk that a device will not meet the guarantees. Allowing TI to do these tests is usually cheaper than the customer doing additional tests.

  • Hello Yuto,

    Certain customers require that the device be tested at wafer and after assembly. This is completely up to the customer and their own quality requirements.

    Test limits are set to cover variations over the full temp range.

    In the past, we were requested by several customers to do wafer temperature testing as a custom device, so we decided to make a catalog part with both wafer and final assembly tests to minimize all these custom devices.

    The "R", "H" and "T" versions will all meet the standard Q1 device specifications. They do not have separate specifications.

    If the customer wants to make sure the device meets the datasheet parameters over temperature, then they should order the dual-tested "T" device.

    Again, it is an option for the customer, and it is up to them which version they wish to use.