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INA 163 - single supply

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA163, TINA-TI, INA118, ADS1274, THS4524, OPA211, LME49990, OPA209

I´m using an INA163 (instrumentation amplifier) with a dual supply, +-5V. But, to get a better performance in my project, I don't want to use a negative source anymore. So, my idea is to connect V- to the ground. But, I tried it and the amplifier responds in a very strange output. I can't figure out why.

When I use the dual supply, my output is something between 3.5 and 4.8 V. Using a single supply, I expect a gap smaller than this. To be exact, the INA163's data-sheet says that there's a lost of 1.8 V in each side of source. So, my gap should be (5 – 1.8) – (0 + 1.8) = 1.4 V. My inputs are very similar, with a small variation of milivolts. The interval measured with dual supply shows me that this small one should be enough. But my output with single supply is always constant (4V) to a very different values of input.

The only change that I did in my circuit is the V- to the ground. I researched in INA163's data sheet looking for something about single supply, but there's anything. Also read a Texas' application report, A Single-Supply Op-Amp Circuit Collection, SLOA058, but I still can't find out what's is happening. Anyone have any idea what's happening?

  • Hello,

    By eliminating the negative supply, you are now below the minimum power supply voltage of the INA163 which is specified in the datasheet as +/-4.5V (or 9V single supply). Without providing the minimum supply voltage, many of the internal circuits of the INA163 will be unable to turn-on and the part will not work properly. 

  • Hello John!

    Thanks for your reply! My interpretation of this datasheet's information "Voltage Range - MIN: +- 4.5 V" was like any voltage with minimum range of 4.5 V could be used. So, I tried 0 and 5 volts, a range of 5 V. 

    While I waited for an aswer here, I tried with V+= 12V and V- = GND. And the output was the same as the first scenario (GND and 5V). If you're correct, this way should be ok,right? Cause it's 9V for single supply, at minimum.

  • +12V and ground should allow the IC to properly function as long as the input common-mode range is within the limits specified in the datasheet and the output voltage range is not being violated. Here is an example of the INA163 being used single supply:

    Notice that the input has a common-mode voltage is 6V, which is halfway between the two power supplies. Also the reference pin has been tied to a voltage between the supplies which prevents the output stage of saturating at either of the supplies. I've attached this simulation file which can be used in TI's free simulator: Tina-TI.

  • John, 

    My Vdiff1 is very close to 2V, with a real small variation. My gain is 280. How can I calculate the minimum value of Vcm? Because my eletronic cannot support 6 volts DC in this point.

    Thank you.

  • Just to clarify, you have an input differential voltage of 2V and a gain of 280? This will saturate the output of the amplifier as it will be attempting to produce 2V * 280 = 560V at its output, but will be limited by its power supply. The easiest method for determining the minimum input common mode voltage for an instrumentation amplifier is probably to sweep the input common mode voltage from 0 to mid-supply and determine when the output of the INA is at the proper voltage. For example, in the schematic shown below I have the INA163 configured in a gain of 280, with the reference pin connected to ground. I'm applying a 10mV input differential voltage, so the expected output should be 10mV * 280 = 2.8V

    Now I can perform a DC transfer characteristic in Tina-TI to sweep the value of Vcm and determine when the output of the INA163 is at the proper value:

    Notice the the output of the INA163 is not at the proper value until the input common mode voltage is at approximately 3V. This test should be performed for a multitude of input differential voltages to ensure proper functionality. Also, it may be helpful if you could post a schematic of your circuit here such that I can better understand your system. 

  • Actually, I have an input centred in 0 volts with 250mV of variation. 

    To simulate this, I used the circuit bellow. In simulation, my output is correct, but I can't get this in real tests. Could you imagine where's my problem? Is there a common error in single supplies like this?

    It's strange cause my output is correct when I've used a dual supply. I've changed only the supply and I can't get the right results anymore.

  • That circuit should not simulate properly. Duplicating your schematic with the output filter omitted, I get the following output for a 250mVpp input signal centered around 0V: 

    The INA163 will not be able to amplify signals below the negative supply voltage as you have shown in your schematic. With dual supplies the input signal no longer falls below the negative supply. Also, having such a large capacitor on the output, even with the resistor may cause instability. 

  • Hi John! Thanks for all your replies!

    In fact, my circuit has no negative input. So, I don't have this problem...

    But why you said that a large capacitor may cause instability? Is 10nF large enough? 

  • Hi John!

    I found an information in datasheet, perhaps it explain my constant output.

    INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE: Common-Mode Voltage Range VIN+ – VIN– = 0V

    This information is in the condition column. I don't know if I understood correctly, but I think this opamp can't work with single supply like I want.

    If this information is right, there's a problem with simulation, that's not well adjusted with reality.

    Or... the condition column just say that min/typ/max values are valids only with these conditions?

  • The VIN+ - VIN- =0V is an operating condition. That is, they specify the common mode input range with the differential input at zero volts. The worst case is 4V from either rail.  So if you operated from +-5V rails, the input common mode signal has to sit between +-1V. If you did a single supply operation (the real reason I read this thread) of say +10V and 0 on the rails, then the common mode would have to be between 4v and 6V. 

    If the applications engineer is still reading this, I have two questions:

    1) What are the specifications for VO1 and VO2. I want to drive a differential filter. Obviously I can take the single ended output and make it differential, but that seems silly. However, without specs on VO1 and VO2, I don't have much choice.

    2) Returning the REF pin to 1.6V seems odd. This is essentially setting the output voltage to the limit of the op amp that does the double ended to single ended conversion. It seems like a prescription for clipping on negative swings.

  • Ignore my comment about the 1.6V. The TINA schematic editor does this to me all the time. The name and value are on the same line without much of a space between them. I just noticed now the ref goes to 6V, not 1.6V.

    Still need specs on the VO1 and VO2 pins.

  • Dear John, 

    Just to register that i found your post useful: thank you very much for the pointer to the Tina tool.  I was searching for a way to determine whether the INA 163 is suitable for my purpose (measuring current through a resistor between supply and device), and finding the simulator should answer my question directly. 



  • Hi Gary,

    After digging through the design manual for the INA163 it would appear that the output current capabilities and voltage swing specs of the VO1 and VO2 pins were never characterized. However, the output current capabilities for the input amplifiers of an INA are generally pretty modest as they are generally not expected to drive lower impedances than the internal difference amplifier. My biggest concern would be asymmetrical loading of the Vo1 and Vo2 outputs, which will introduce errors at the output of the INA (if you are still using the output of the INA). I have to ask why not just use a dual op amp configured in the same manner as the input amplifiers of the INA163?

  • Gary, John,

    A point to consider when taking the differential output at VO1 and VO2:

    With zero differential input voltage VO1 and VO2 will be biased at approximately 1V below the common-mode voltage applied to the inputs. This is a result of the current-feedback type architecture of the INA163. This does not appear to be mentioned in the data sheet and would not be expected based on the simplified block diagram. Figure 4 in the INA118 data sheet shows the essentials of the topology that leads to this offset. In normal single-ended output connection, A3 removes this offset.

    Regards, Bruce.

  • The problem with rolling your own version of the first half of the instrumentation a amplifier is the cost of the accurate resistors. Otherwise it wouldn't be a problem.

    I have a low impedance sensor (375 ohm nominal) that needs around 1500ohm damping. The INA163 voltage and current noise are just about as good as it gets for this configuration, plus the fact that it is designed for high gain.  I plan on feeding a ADS1274 downstream, so the signal levels are not so optimal. But I designed a 4 pole fully differential ladder filter using the THS4524. It can also do the common mode level shift and gain adjustment.  [Ladder filters need the split phase.]

    Obviously I can take the single ended output of the INA163 and make it differential. But the signal is already differential at VO1 and VO2.

    Maybe there is some cheap source of resistors or a pre-made resistor network for instrumentation use, but I haven't found it. The resistor accuracy determines the gain, which can be nulled out digitally, but the common mode rejection at the front end is important for noise rejection.

  • Gary,

    The diff-in-diff-out configuration that you want to use does not really require super accurate resistors. The common-mode rejection all comes from the output amplifier, A3, and its four carefully ratio-matched resistors. The input stage, A1 and A2, pass any common-mode signal at unity gain regardless of resistor accuracy. Three resistors accurate enough for your gain accuracy requirements are all you need for the input stage.

    You might consider OPA2211 and discrete resistors for the input stage.

    Regards, Bruce.

  • Bruce beat me to it, but he's absolutely right. The input resistors are only trimmed for gain error and have no bearing on the CMRR of the system. Here's a quick screenshot from TINA showing the differential output voltage for an input common mode voltage of 10V (two ideal op amps, with one resistor mismatched on purpose):

    Looking at your nominal impedance and damping requirements, I have to ask if your sensor is a geophone? 

  • Yes, a geophone.

    I' will dig up the instrumentation amp analysis (common text book chapter), but if the resistors do not effect CMRR, then two discrete op amps are fine. Possible I can find a lower voltage op amp as well.

    The 4 pole fully differential filer seems to work OK in TINA.  I used the 4521 spice macro., though I would use the quad version in real life. I noticed there are no app notes on making filters with the 4521, just based on googling. I'll start another thread later just in the event anyone wants to review it. Then again, there aren't a lot of people that ever did the conversion from LCR to signal flow to op amp implementation. Back when SCF was happening, I designed a few chips using that design flow.

  • Ahhh my e2e telepathy is still calibrated! One thing to consider when selecting amplifiers for geophones is that the peak in the geophone impedance near resonance can often co-inside with the 1/f rise in current noise that bipolar input amplifiers exhibit. Because of this, current noise can be much more significant than it would initially appear. Here's an impedance measurement I took of a 10Hz geophone with a nominal 400 Ohm impedance :

    One amplifier to consider is the OPA209 family. It's input voltage noise is 2.2nV/rtHz, which is slightly worse that the INA163 or ultra low noise op amps like the OPA211 or LME49990, but its input current noise is 500fA/rtHz, which is significantly less than other low noise bipolar amplifiers and may provide a noise benefit here. 

    As for filter design, our free program FilterPro will do component calculations for fully differential MFB filters (including component tolerance), it might be worth checking it out as it can be a huge time saver for filter designs. 

  • I will see if I can measure the impedance on a DSA, but I see your point. With the right package, you can use either the 211 or the 209 on the same PCB.

    Filterpro doesn't crank out ladder filters. It does crank out differential filters with the outputs shorted together. ;-)


    I inserted the tina file. This is just a G-job for myself, so nothing to keep secret. The ladder filter takes more silicon, but it has all the nodes driven, so it is less likely to have problems in real life.  I'm showing about half a dB of peaking, probably Q enhanced related.

    I have the signal flow graph in svg if you want it, but this is textbook ladder design.