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Hi there,
I am currently trying to design a whetstone bridge circuit. The only amplifier I have available is the IN126 instrumentation amplifier, and I have a 0-5V single powered power supply (USB voltage output).
The input from the strain bridge is 0 < x < 3mV.
I have wired up the IN126 as a single sided supply, and connected Vref to GND. However, Vo to GND is stuck at 2.6 volts (even when the inputs IN+ and IN- are tied together).
The same thing happens even when the strain bridge is connected. I think it has something to do the the CMRR and the fact that the lower op amp inside the instrumentation amplifier is limited by
Vo2 = 1.25*Vin- + (Vin+ - Vin-)10k/Rg
Which in my case gives:
Vo2 = 4.55V at one limit and (maximum strain)
Vo2 = 4.75V at the other limit (minimum strain)
I am not too sure what this means. However, when I look at the CMRR garph in the data sheet it tells me that the CMRR can be at 2.3V and I can still not saturate the A2 amplifier so it should be working correctly.
I have attached a schematic showing the setup I have. Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you for your question. I'm looking into it presently and will get back to you as soon as possible. I'm trying a TINA model of your application circuit first just to see what it shows for a transfer characteristic from 2.305V to 2.311V on the inputs.
Jason Bridgmon
With an input common mode voltage (CMV) around 2.3V, you should not be violating the devices input CMV range. With Vref set to ground (0V), I am concerned about your output voltage when your strain gauge "x" input is zero. With Vref at 0V, your output would be non-linear and saturated to your negative rail. One way to solve the non-linear output at zero differential voltage to the inputs is to set Vref equal to 1V. This should let your output voltage operate linearly with your differential input voltage 0 to 3mV from the strain gauge. With a gain of 538.3 and a maximum differential voltage of 6mV, your output should then range from approximately 1V to 4.2298V for an input "x" from 0 to 3mV from the bridge.
The formula you referenced in the datasheet is different then what you have stated. The datasheet formula is listed below:
Vo2 = 1.25*Vin- + (Vin+ - Vin-)10k/Rg
According to my understanding of your circuit, your Vin- should be between 2.308 V (strain min) and 2.305 V (strain max). Your Vin+ should be between 2.308 V (strain min) and 2.311 V (strain max) which results in your Vo2 ranging from 2.88125 V (strain min) 2.48125 V (strain max).
Please confirm that your test circuit matches your drawn schematic and please let me know what your measured output voltage is with Vref set to 1V. Thank you.