Hi there,
I am currently trying to design a whetstone bridge circuit. The only amplifier I have available is the IN126 instrumentation amplifier, and I have a 0-5V single powered power supply (USB voltage output).
The input from the strain bridge is 0 < x < 3mV.
I have wired up the IN126 as a single sided supply, and connected Vref to GND. However, Vo to GND is stuck at 2.6 volts (even when the inputs IN+ and IN- are tied together).
The same thing happens even when the strain bridge is connected. I think it has something to do the the CMRR and the fact that the lower op amp inside the instrumentation amplifier is limited by
Vo2 = 1.25*Vin- + (Vin+ - Vin-)10k/Rg
Which in my case gives:
Vo2 = 4.55V at one limit and (maximum strain)
Vo2 = 4.75V at the other limit (minimum strain)
I am not too sure what this means. However, when I look at the CMRR garph in the data sheet it tells me that the CMRR can be at 2.3V and I can still not saturate the A2 amplifier so it should be working correctly.
I have attached a schematic showing the setup I have. Any help would be much appreciated!