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OPA4140: The output voltgae problem for OPA4140

Part Number: OPA4140
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OP27, OPA140, OPA4227

Hi team,

The customer uses OPA4140 to design an instrumentation Amplify circuit and a voltage follower circuit.

Please check his TINA circuit in the attach. 

1. In his actual circuit, if the customer remove the high-pass filter circuit (that is C12,C13 and R32 ),

the figure 1 is VF1 waveform. the figure 2 is VF3 waveform. From the VF3 waveform, there is some glitch waveform. 

                                                                          Figure 1 VF1

                                                   Figure 2 VF3

2. If the customer adds the high-pass filter circuit, the figure 3 is VF1 waveform. the figure 4 is VF3 waveform. 

Compare to  figure 3 and  figure 4, the customer found the VF3 waveform moves down than  VF1 waveform.

                                          Figure 3 VF1


3. If the customer change R32 to 3K. Figure 5 is VF3 waveform. The amplitude of VF3 moving down is reduced.

                                                                     Figure 5 VF3

4. If the customer keep R32 be 32k and remove C12 and C13, the VF3 waveform will not move down and 

keep the same with VF1.

5. If the customer adds the amplitude of VF1, VF3 waveform will be moved down.

6. If the customer uses OP27 as the voltage follower circuit, VF3 will waveform will not move down. 

Would you explain why VF3 waveform can be move down?



  • Hi Mickey,

    Could you please verify the magnitude of the signal and the frequency for me? The OPA140 cannot swing to +4V on a +5V supply so I believe this should actually be a 400mV peak signal based on the scope scaling but I'd like to confirm.
  • Hi Zak,

    What do you mean? The supply voltage is +/-5V for the customer's application.
  • Hi Mickey,

    I was referring to the input common-mode limitation to the positive rail. The input stage of the OPA140 cannot swing signals closer than 3.5V from the positive rail without the possibility of introducing distortion, which is why I questioned the magnitude shown on the scope plots.
  • Hi Mickey,

    I never heard back from you, was the customer able to resolve the issue?
  • The customer said if he uses OPA4227 to replace OPA4140, the output voltage will only move 100mV. But if he uses OPA4140, the output voltage will move 1V.
  • Hi Mickey,

    this is very strange. Eventually the input stage of U8 is damaged. Looks like the chip is having a much higher input bias current than normal. Take care, C12 and C13 are very big (4.4µF capacitance in total) and can absorb a considerable charge. If this capacitance suddenly discharges into the ESD protection scheme of U8, the chip could be damaged. This can easily happen when experimenting with the circuit in the lab. You should limit the input current for this scenario by inserting a current limiting resistor of 1k at the input of U8.

  • Hi Mickey,

    I would agree with Kai that it sounds like the chip has an abnormally high bias current. It looks like a very small dc shift is occurring, but the OPA140 should have low enough bias current that 36kOhm should not make a noticeable difference. You may try replacing that device with another OPA140 to see if the problem persists. Additionally, I would check to make sure the board has been properly cleaned and there is not excessive flux surrounding the device, because this can make the bias current appear much larger than normal and introduce undesired shifts.
  • Hi Zak and kai,

    Thanks for your help. I will confirm with the customer.
  • Mickey

    Did you ever get feedback from the customer?

  • Mickey

    We haven't heard back from you so we assume this answered your questions. If you need more help just post another reply below.
