I am working in a new design in which I need to amplify the signal of a load cell sensor on a small elevator. I attach the datasheet of the load cell (I am using the 1250kg model)F.TECNICA SWK (ES·D1067-R00).pdf
I do not need too much accuracy in the measurements. It is used just as a load limiter and it is calibrated once installed en each elevator. (first it is calibrated the zero load (which is the weigth of the cabin = 250kg) and after that it is calibrated a known load (around 200kg extra so 450kg in total))
The sensibilty is 1,3...2mV/V and I don not need to have accuracy nor linearity in the zone of 0-150kg. The zone I am interested in have quite good readings is 150-1250kg.
I have though in using the INA126 in a single power supply mode (I do not have negative power supply) but I have some doubts about the ref input (pin 5) connection.
I have design the following scheme
And I want an output from 0V to 4.5V aprox (that is why I configure a gain of aprox. 450 to have 4.5V from 10mV (=2m/V*5V).
My doubt is how I should connect the ref pin to obtain an output from 0V to aprox 4.5V.
Thank you very much in advance,