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Dear All,
I'm using the TL3472 to drive the excitation signal for a resolver. I would like to know if there are VOL and VOH vs IOUT values available for the TL3472 ?
Application conditions :
- power supply : +12V / 0V
- peak current : +/- 13 mA (sink and source)
The simulation with TINA TI shows about 1 V for VOL.
Can you give your feedback about this application ?
Thank you for your help.
Christophe NINET
Hi Ninet,
I think the TL3472 in no good choice for your application because its guaranteed short circuit current is only -10mA and +20mA. See the bottom of page 4 of datasheet.
You should take an OPAmp with a stronger output stage.
May I ask, why did you take the TL3472?
Hi Kai,
Thank you for your feedback. This amplifier has been used in my company in a similar way but with less output current (the resolver input impedance was higher) and I hadn't noticed this output current limitations.
I'm considering using the ALM2402 instead (output current capability around 400 mA). I think this one is a better candidate ...
Have a nice day.
Hello Cristophe,
Feel free to start a new thread if you need any help finding a new part.