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I can't find the spice model of LM2907 or LM2917. Is there any frequency to voltage IC spice model can be choose to use?
Hello user6249788,
There is no official SPICE model for the LM2907/LM2917, but there are some on the Web built by third parties.
Google "LM2907 SPICE model" and you will find a few of these.
TI does not support these models, but they are better than nothing.
Note that there are differences between the LM2907 and LM2917, particularly with the power supply and input stage thresholds.
Below is a thread that discussed this as well. Please check it out.
I don't think that a Spice model exists for the LM2907 or LM2917.
But maybe this thread helps:
LM2907 simulation model - Amplifiers forum - Amplifiers - TI E2E support forums