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TDA2E: TDA2ex CSI2 capture

Part Number: TDA2E
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UB921-Q1

Hi All,

We have camera with 24 bit data(in which only 8 bit is original yuv data, other 16 bits and dummy '0' padding) connected to CSI2 port of TDA2ex.

Is it possible to extract only original 8bit yuv data using "CAL_PIX_PROC_i" of CAL Pixel Extraction?

Do we have any detailed datasheet available for CAMSS and VIP?, we did not find details to set input data formats etc on SOC TRM.



  • Hi, Selvam,

    Your query has been forwarded to expert.

  • Hi Manoj,

    Can you confirm if you are streaming the video with data format/type as RGB888?
    If so, you could use processing block to extract 24 bits and pack it in a 8 bit container.

    Please note that, i have not tested this particular configuration, but we have used pixel extract for other data formats.

  • Hi Sujith,

    This will be our setup, a clear picture for you.

    Camera  ---------->     Serializer(ds90ub921-q1)   ---------------------------> Deserializer(DS90UB940) -------------------> SoC
                     8-bit yuv                                                        serial data fdp link                                                    CSI2 serial data

    Serializer(ds90ub921-q1) will convert 8 bit yuv data into 24 bit (since it has 24 bit or 18bit mode, we are setting 24 bit) and  Deserializer(DS90UB940) will convert 24 bit yuv data into CSI2 serial (here we can set output RGB888, as you said) and CSI2 receives data as RGB888 and using CAL pixel extract we can take only 8bit of it.?

    Is it fine?



  • Hi Manoj,

    I think we (one of your team member, i guess) had a call and discussed this.

    Yes, we can do that, having said that, We have not attempted what you are describing (i.e. extracting 8 bits from RGB888 a.k.a 24 bit stream). We would require to try it.

    Regards, Sujith

  • Hi Manoj,

    I will close the thread as it seems that there are no further queries. Fell free to write here if you need more help on this.
