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Linux boot sequence reset GPIOs modules


I have a problem with AM335 Linux 3.2 kernel about GPIO configurations.

In fact, we need to configure GPIO very very quickly at startup. So we choose to do it in u-boot.

But during kernel boot sequence, the kernel reset GPIO1, GPIO2 and GPIO3

CM_PER_GPIO1_CLKCTRL=0x3000 (value at reset)
CM_PER_GPIO2_CLKCTRL=0x3000 (value at reset)
CM_PER_GPIO3_CLKCTRL=0x3000 (value at reset)

The kernel seem to do this reset in function omap_device_enable (file arch/arm/plat-omap/omap_device.c), by calling function


I try to comments these call, but kernel crash, and no messages appears.

So my questions is how i can avoid GPIO module reset, in order to don't loose u-boot gpio configurations 

Thanks by advance,

Best regards,