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Linux/TMDSEVM572X: GPIO and UART signal output

Part Number: TMDSEVM572X

Tool/software: Linux


Thus far I haven't had luck outputting known GPIO and UART signals out the 572x EVM's expansion header pins. We've removed the LCD/touchscreen and are just using the processor module.  We made a small, single layer, PCBA breakout board with a (mating hirose connector attached ) which breaks out 30/60 signals on the TI 572X EVM's expansion headers.  When I use sysfs commands, for instance, to vary a given GPIO (e.g. GPIO5_8 or pin 55 on the P17 header), I don't see any change in voltage level for echo 1 > gpio136/value vs echo 0 > gpio136/value.  But on our custom board with the 5728, I've confirmed that this GPIO is toggling with the same sysfs commands.  I've confirmed in /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl, that the pad configuration for the given pin matches the corresponding entry in mux_data.h, but I'm not sure if that pad configuration is correct for the EVM's expansion header (please see questions below).

Additionally, I've tried various ways to enable the GPIO in the device tree, each case with no luck on the 572xEVM, only our custom hardware board.

        &gpio5 {
                gpio = <&gpio5 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

Also, this issue has come up in previous posts,, and the resolutions put forth in the last couple of posts in this thread don't seem to solve this issue on our setup.

I'm using the latest TI processor SDK for Linux (version 4.1).

Also, per,, some of the pins in the expansion header pinouts are labeled as "not attached," so I'm not sure if that means the ball is disconnected from the pin on the expansion header or something else??

My approach as been to measure which pins have video signals (e.g. vout1_d6) coming out on them (e.g. they're definitely connected to pads on the 5728), and then re-configure the mux mode for GPIO.

Some questions:

1) What are the most common causes of failing to get gpios, UARTs, and other peripherals to come out on the P16-P18 expansion header pins?

2) I'm unsure if my problem is partly or entirely related to an incorrect pullup/pulldown state of the pad configuration register - given expansion header pins.  What does the pullup/pulldown state of the expansion header pins depend on?  The peripheral the ball is MUXED to?  The MUX Mode 0 configuration for that pad?  Something else?

3) If one wants to change the MUX mode for a given pad, do you really need to start with the pinmux tool and re-generate the array, or is it ok, to merely hack the array entry in mux_data.h which gets #included in board.c?

4) If for instance, you change a pad from voutn_dn to gpion_n by changing the mux mode, can you given an example of how to hack mux_data.h (how to change the pad configuration and IO delay which I believe is a don't care for GPIO)? 


Thanks a lot for your help!!

Jeff Andich

  • The software team have been notified. They will respond here.
  • Hi Jeff,

    1. The most common reason causing GPIO, UART and other peripheral failure is incorrect configuration. Also it is possible to have hardware issue.
    2. The pullup/pulldown state og GPIOs depends on configuration but the default state for gpio5_8 is PullDown (Of course this is configurable). You can see more details in the AM572x datasheet Table 4-2. The muxmode should be 14.
    3. You can change pinmux configuration in the mux_data.h but will has an effect only in u-boot if the configuration is overwritten in the Linux.
    4. You should configure GPIO in the Linux kernel device tree as it is described at:
    Also you can find useful details about how to manage GPIOs in the kernel at:

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • As a quick sanity check, can you please provide the output of this command:

    devmem2 0x4A0036CC

    This will give us the contents of CTRL_CORE_PAD_MCASP1_AXR6, the register that controls pin muxing for gpio5_8.

  • Did you ever set the direction, e.g. echo "out" > gpio136/direction?
  • root@am57xx-evm:~# devmem2 0x4A0036CC
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6efe000.
    Read at address 0x4A0036CC (0xb6efe6cc): 0x0004000E
  • ****** Modifications to Device Tree ******



    #include "am57xx-evm-cmem.dtsi"

    &vmmcwl_fixed {
    gpio = <&gpio5 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; (Jeff - This was defined gpio 5 8, and causing a conflict with sysfs, so I moved it to 5 9)

    &gpio5 {
    gpio = <&gpio5 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

    ****** SSH Session on Target ********
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 136 > export ( Jeff - I understand 136 to be gpio5 8 = (5-1)*32 + 8 = 136 )
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# ls

    export gpiochip0 gpiochip192 gpiochip504 unexport
    gpio132 gpiochip128 gpiochip224 gpiochip64
    gpio136 gpiochip160 gpiochip32 gpiochip96

    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo out > gpio136/direction
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 1 > gpio136/value
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 0 > gpio136/value

    Note: The voltage state of Pin #55 on Expansion Header P17 does not change in response to changing the value file..

  • Jeff Andich said:
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo out > gpio136/direction
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 1 > gpio136/value
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 0 > gpio136/value

    Please repeat this process, but use devmem2 to dump the following registers at the start and after each step:

    • 0x4805B130 (GPIO_CTRL)
    • 0x4805B134 (GPIO_OE)
    • 0x4805B138 (GPIO_DATAIN)
    • 0x4805B13C (GPIO_DATAOUT)

    I would have expected gpio136 to be the right number, but that may not be the case.  In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, I seem to recall a similar thread where the pin mappings changed because some of the GPIO peripherals were unused (or idle?).  I need to do some more digging...

  • I haven't found that other thread, but I think it might be worth adding something like this into your dts:

    &gpio1 {
    status = "okay";

    &gpio2 {
    status = "okay";

    &gpio3 {
    status = "okay";

    &gpio4 {
    status = "okay";

    &gpio5 {
    status = "okay";

    I think that will ensure that all of the gpio's are "present" when doing the pin mapping.
  • This might be the thread I was thinking of:

    Perhaps I remembered incorrectly of the mapping having anything to do with which GPIO modules are enabled, etc. I don't see anything like that. One good data point from that thread however is to simply do:

    ls -l /sys/class/gpio

    You'll see mappings like this:

    gpiochip128 -> ../../devices/platform/44000000.ocp/4805b000.gpio/gpio/gpiochip128

    So the specific mapping I showed above confirms that the GPIO5 peripheral (base address 0x4805B000) maps to gpiochip128. Do you see the same on your board?

  • Ok thanks! I added statius = okay to the &gpio5 cluster/fragment in am57xx-evm-reva3.dts, compiled on host, scp'ed to /boot on the EVM, and re-booted. Here is the output of executing the above commands before and after each of the sysfs commands:

    ****** Before Issuing any SYSFS Commands *****

    root@am57xx-evm:~# devmem2 0x4805B130
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f5f000.
    Read at address 0x4805B130 (0xb6f5f130): 0x00000000
    root@am57xx-evm:~# devmem2 0x4805B134
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f25000.
    Read at address 0x4805B134 (0xb6f25134): 0xFFFFFDEF
    root@am57xx-evm:~# devmem2 0x4805B138
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fc5000.
    Read at address 0x4805B138 (0xb6fc5138): 0x0403001F
    root@am57xx-evm:~# devmem2 0x4805B13C
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f0d000.
    Read at address 0x4805B13C (0xb6f0d13c): 0x00000410

    ***** After creation of gpio136 file ****

    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 136 > export
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# ls
    export gpiochip0 gpiochip192 gpiochip504 unexport
    gpio132 gpiochip128 gpiochip224 gpiochip64
    gpio136 gpiochip160 gpiochip32 gpiochip96

    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B130
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fe1000.
    Read at address 0x4805B130 (0xb6fe1130): 0x00000000
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B134
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fcf000.
    Read at address 0x4805B134 (0xb6fcf134): 0xFFFFFDEF
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B138
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f3d000.
    Read at address 0x4805B138 (0xb6f3d138): 0x0003001F
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B13C
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f67000.
    Read at address 0x4805B13C (0xb6f6713c): 0x00000410

    ***** After Changing Direction to Out *****

    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# cat gpio136/direction
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo out > gpio136/direction
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B130
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f9d000.
    Read at address 0x4805B130 (0xb6f9d130): 0x00000000
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B134
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f2a000.
    Read at address 0x4805B134 (0xb6f2a134): 0xFFFFFCEF
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B138
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fd7000.
    Read at address 0x4805B138 (0xb6fd7138): 0x0003001F
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B13C
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fc7000.
    Read at address 0x4805B13C (0xb6fc713c): 0x00000410

    **** After changing the value file from 0 to 1 *****
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# cat gpio136/value
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 1 > gpio136/value
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B130
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f40000.
    Read at address 0x4805B130 (0xb6f40130): 0x00000000
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B134
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fde000.
    Read at address 0x4805B134 (0xb6fde134): 0xFFFFFCEF
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B138
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fe6000.
    Read at address 0x4805B138 (0xb6fe6138): 0x0003011F
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# devmem2 0x4805B13C
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fb3000.
    Read at address 0x4805B13C (0xb6fb313c): 0x00000510

  • Were you observing the GPIO5_8 output during those commands? Everything looks proper above. For example, when you change the GPIO to an output, you can see bit 8 of GPIO_OE becomes 0 (output enabled). When you write the value, I see that correctly reflected in dataout (and datain).
  • Yes, that's most of the battle.

    But no - I didn't observe pin 55 on the P17 header change when I tried echoing 1 vs 0 > gpio136/value... (...wah wah...) ..

    I wonder if this could be our breakout board, but I ohm'd out the connectors on our breakout PCBA, and I didn't see any issues there. But it's just a simple, single layer board, and we didn't take any extraordinary measures to isolate high frequency signals from trace to trace. Nonetheless, I would expect changes in the pins assigned to GPIO voltages to change. But also keep in mind that we're running the latest SDK image, likely with Matrix running.

    I wonder if the PAD on the 5728 for GPIO5_8 is connected to the P17 expansion header per the RevA3 schematic. Reason I ask:

    The GP EVM UG, in table 21 indicates WL_EN, COM port WLAN enable. But I don't THINK TMDSEVM572X has a WiFi chip on it?? Furthermore, many of the signals in the 3 expansion header tables in this UG indicate "Not Connected." I'm not sure if this means not connected to another peripheral OR the associated 5728 PAD is not connected to the indicated pin on the expansion header???

    Another potentially interesting point, on our PCBA expansion board (which breaks out 30/60 signals), I'm able to see what I believe are LCD video signals on the VOUTn_Dn lines, but also some other lines as well which are inputs (please see below).

    For instance:

    Our breakout board breaks out the following pins on each expansion header

    22,23,25,27,29,30,39,40, 44,

    When I'm running the latest TI SDK image (create SD card from pre-installed binaries option), I see what I think is LCD video signals on the following pins on the *** P18 HEADER *****: Again, I believe MATRIX is enabled/running.

    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# ps -aux|grep matrix
    root 939 0.0 2.3 166436 44560 ? Sl 21:43 0:01 /usr/bin/matrix_browser http://localhost:80/

    *** P18 HEADER PINS where an LCD Video Signal is Thought to be Observed:***
    (to the right is the corresponding entry in core_padconf_array_essential_x15 (in the case of non-VOUT/VIN signals which are in a "delta" array).

    9 (GPIO3_29) {VIN2A_DE0, (M14 | PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN)}, /* vin2a_de0.gpio3_29 */
    10 (PR1_UART0_TXD) {VIN2A_D1, (M11 | PIN_OUTPUT)}, /* vin2a_d1.pr1_uart0_txd */
    11 (GPIO3_28) {VIN2A_CLK0, (M14 | PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN)}, /* vin2a_clk0.gpio3_28 */
    14 (VOUT1_D15)

    39 (GPIO4_8) {VIN2A_D7, (M14 | PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN)}, /* vin2a_d7.gpio4_8 */
    40 (PR1_UART0_CTSn) {VIN2A_D7, (M14 | PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN)}, /* vin2a_d7.gpio4_8 */
    44 ( EHRPWM2B) {VIN2A_D10, (M10 | PIN_OUTPUT_PULLDOWN)}, /* vin2a_d10.ehrpwm2B */

    45 (VOUT1_D6)
    47 (VOUT1_D8)
  • Incidentally, we thought we might as well try different pullup/pulldown states of GPIO5_8, IN 4a00 36cc:

    We hacked the corresponding line in mux_data.h, re-built the MLO/u-boot.image, copied to the /boot partition on SD card, and then inserted in the 572xEVM, and powered on.

    ..board/ti/am57xx/mux_data.c (padconf_array_essential....)
    /** PD is default entry and has no effect **/
    /* {MCASP1_AXR6, (M14 | PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN)}, */ /* mcasp1_axr6.gpio5_8 */
    /** PU has no effect **/
    /* {MCASP1_AXR6, (M14 | PIN_INPUT_PULLUP)}, */ /* mcasp1_axr6.gpio5_8 */
    /** Disable weak PU PD */
    {MCASP1_AXR6, (M14 | PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | PULL_DIS)}, /* mcasp1_axr6.gpio5_8 */

    PULL UP:

    root@am57xx-evm:~# devmem2 0x4A0036CC
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6f7f000.
    Read at address 0x4A0036CC (0xb6f7f6cc): 0x0006000E

    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo out > gpio136/direction
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# cat gpio136/value
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 1 > gpio136/value

    Result: No change in voltage on P17 header, Pin #55,

    NO PULL:

    root@am57xx-evm:~# devmem2 0x4A0036CC
    /dev/mem opened.
    Memory mapped at address 0xb6fbc000.
    Read at address 0x4A0036CC (0xb6fbc6cc): 0x0007000E

    (Think all we care about is bit #16 being a 1 (no pull) or 0 (pull as defined by bit #17), right?


    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo out > gpio136/direction
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 0 > gpio136/value
    root@am57xx-evm:/sys/class/gpio# echo 1 > gpio136/value

    No change in P17/Pin 55 voltage..

    Thanks and FYI!
  • One more crazy thought/question:

    When using the expansion header(s) on the 572xEVM Processor Module, do you have to tie certain signals on all 4 headers together?

    I've just been plugging in my breakout board into a single expansion port at a time, and leaving all of the other expansion headers disconnected.

    But I don't know what the LCD/Touchscreen does (e.g. How it completes the circuit of the expansion headers) and am not sure where to find the schematic for it. Is this maybe a piece of the puzzle??

  • I don't think there's any black magic with respect to this pin on the LCD card. However, those schematics are available here if you'd like to look:

    Specifically, they are found at\CM_C1 LM_A2a PM_A3a\AM572xEVM_LM\ti_am572x_evm_lm_a2a.pdf.

    Let's try a slightly different experiment... From the schematic, it looks like gpio5_8 is routed directly from the AM572x to the header (i.e. no pullup/pulldown, etc.). That said, we should be able to observe behavior by activating deactivating the driver and changing the internal pull. This is similar to your test you tried with changing the u-boot muxing, but we want to set the mux mode to 15 (driver off). This can be done quickly/easily using devmem2, i.e. no need to rebuild/reload u-boot...

    # weak pulldown
    devmem2 0x4a0036cc w 0x0000000F

    # weak pullup
    devmem2 0x4a0036cc w 0x0002000F

    That should absolutely work... If that is STILL not working, I suggest we try that similar experiment on a different pin (since it's fairly easy).
  • Jeff Andich said:
    I wonder if the PAD on the 5728 for GPIO5_8 is connected to the P17 expansion header per the RevA3 schematic. Reason I ask:

    The GP EVM UG, in table 21 indicates WL_EN, COM port WLAN enable. But I don't THINK TMDSEVM572X has a WiFi chip on it??

    The AM572x EVM has a connector on the LCD board in which you could plug a TI Wi-Fi Board.  I've plugged a wi-fi board into that connector and used it, so that confirms the signal is truly usable.  In fact, that WL_EN pin is just a GPIO pin in the Linux driver, so we know specifically that it works in the GPIO mode.

  • Cool! was wondering how you could write to the pad control registers from user space..

    Well, nothing happens to the voltage on that pin with either of these w commands...

    Time to try another pin...

    How about one of the pins I see LCD video signals on (e.g. gpio3_29 or VOUT_D15 )?
  • I think gpio3_29 looks good since it has no external pulls. The associated register is CTRL_CORE_PAD_VIN2A_DE0 at 0x4A003558.
  • So this is strange. I tried setting mux mode to 15 on P18, pin 14 (VOUT1_D15), and I still see a 15ms pulse train, each pulse containing several periods of an ~83 kHz, 75% duty cycle clock.
  • And likewise with P18/Pin #9 - still see this strange signal (which I thought was LCD video) on the scope. I will try to take a screen capture of this signal and attach to this thread..
  • Oh rats!

    It LOOKS like the orientation of the Hirose connector on our breakout board is rotated 180 degrees due to the way the connectors are keyed. ...
  • I'm running out of suggestions, so if that's the case I'll be relieved!
  • Pin #9 on P18 is gpio3_29. Rotated 180 degrees, this is pin 52 or vout1_d22. When I change it's pad to mux mode 15, the clock signal stops.

    I feel terrible, and I think I owe you a pizza...
  • No problem. There's some good debug procedure in this thread that might help other people.
  • In any case thanks a whole lot for your help!!