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RTOS/AM3358: UIA question

Part Number: AM3358
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS

Tool/software: TI-RTOS

I recently built the Processor SDK TIRTOS PDK 1.0.9 examples with UIA installed. 

I opened up the GPIO_LedBlink example, enabled UIA LoggingSetup in Logger stop mode and successfully compiled.  

However, when I run the program, pause and try to use RTOS analyzer I get the following error:

"Could not detect a UIA configuration.  One of the following is required:

- Either load a program with UIA instrumentation turned on

- Or specify a custom UIA configuration"

I should also note that if I try to use the Runtime Object Viewer I also get the following error:

"Failed to start ROV using 'comm=DSLite:1,wsPort=53331':: Can't extract RTSC configuration package path from 'C:/Users...out"

  • This post is a duplicate to Please do not double-post on this forum. This thread will be closed now.
  • The post you were referring to( was answered and I mistakenly posted this issue in that post.

    This post is not resolved.
  • Hi Alex,

    There is a Wiki page for UIA:

    For the GPIO LED blinking test, can you elaborate the steps how you test the application with UIA, so I can follow to reproduce and investigate? Thanks!

    Regards, Eric
  • I am approaching using UIA the same way as shown in the TIRTOS Workshop series labs.  

    Here is a screen shot of my Logging Setup UIA with the GPIO LED blink example contained in the PDK examples:

    The code complies and I debug it on my BBB target.  I see the BBB is blinking the light and pause the program.  I got to Tools --> RTOS Analyzer --> Execution Analysis and get the following:

    The same screen comes up if I try to use the Duration Analysis Configuration under the System Analyzer.  

    I am using the GPIO LedBlink example right out of the box for the bbbAM335x so it should be easy to reproduce.  My examples were created (PDKprojectcreate.bat) with UIA installed.

  • Hi,

    I searched the existing .cfg file on how the UIA is used. I only saw UIA was added for a few MCASP audio demos for AM57 and K2G, like: \pdk_am335x_1_0_9\packages\ti\drv\mcasp\example\evmK2G\c66\bios\AudioEQ_demo.cfg

    Inside you can find:
    var LoggingSetup = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.sysbios.LoggingSetup');
    LoggingSetup.sysbiosHwiLogging = true;
    LoggingSetup.sysbiosSemaphoreLogging = true;
    LoggingSetup.loadHwiLogging = true;
    LoggingSetup.loggerType = LoggingSetup.LoggerType_JTAGRUNMODE;

    We didn't have test of AM335x + UIA. Can you add above into your GPIO LED blink AM335x project to see if it works?

    Regards, Eric
  • I just saw that my screen shots didn't come in right.  I had a screen shot of that (I thought) in my previous post.  

    I already have all of those items in my .cfg because I enabled LoggingSetup:

    I have the following in my .cfg file:

    var LoggingSetup = xdc.useModule('ti.uia.sysbios.LoggingSetup');

    LoggingSetup.enableTaskProfiler = true;
    LoggingSetup.loadTaskLogging = true;
    LoggingSetup.loadHwiLogging = true;
    LoggingSetup.sysbiosSemaphoreLogging = true;

    Based on my Logging Setup selections, I don't want to do Jtag run mode so that is why you don't see that. 

    With all of the above in my .cfg it isn't working.

    If you don't have a BeagleBone Black to try this on, do you have a AM335X eval board?  All I did was build my Processor SDK TIRTOS PDK examples with UIA installed and added logging setup to my build using the .cfg GUI so you should be able to take the blink example for the AM335X eval board and try it out, right? 

  • Hi,

    I can reproduce your issue with a BBB. I am looking at System Analyzer UG  to see if I missed some setups.

    Regards, Eric

  • Alex,

    I was able to reproduce the issue and was able to fix the issue by changing the TI RTOS module configurations in the .cfg file.  I have attached my updated file for your reference. Note there is no change to the driver board library and MMU setup. All of the changes are before the driver configuration in the file.


    Try this with your setup and let us know if ROV and System Analyzer tools are still not working.



  • Rahul,

    The new .cfg file fixed my issue - I can now use the UIA tools!  

    A couple comments though:

    When I brought in your .cfg file, I got the following warning:

    Description Resource Path Location Type
    The LoggingSetup.eventUploadMode configuration parameter has been replaced with LoggingSetup.loggerType. Will attempt to set LoggingSetup.loggerType based on eventUploadMode. am335x_app_bbbam335x.cfg /GPIO_LedBlink_bbbAM335x_armTestProject ti.uia.sysbios.LoggingSetup:eventUploadMode XDCTools Configuration Marker

    The code still built and it still worked with that warning.  

    To get rid of the warning, I commented out the following line in your .cfg file:

    LoggingSetup.eventUploadMode = LoggingSetup.UploadMode_JTAGSTOPMODE;

    and replaced it with:

    LoggingSetup.loggerType = LoggingSetup.LoggerType_STOPMODE;

    Then I verified that everything still works and it does!  

    One final note - the link in your post above brings up an error and not a document. 

    Thanks for digging into this!

  • Alex,

    Thanks for confirming the fix. I have fixed the link to System Analyzer User Guide in Eric`s post and can also confirm that Loggertype_STOPMODE is the right option to use in place of UploadMode_JTAGSTOPMODE.
